Ok. Stop. Nicole-Freaking-Cote, allow me to personally say that you are one of the most awesome individuals I have come across in my time. Allow me to further say, that if you ever need anyone, whether it be someone to talk to, or someone to hang out with, I am around, and I do care.
ditto. I'm always here Nicole. If ya ever wanna a night to search for a testicle sandwhich.... or lose to the burping game and make sex noises.. I'm here babe lol. or maybe ya wanna make fun of my brother and his Euros...
Comments 6
I'm always here Nicole. If ya ever wanna a night to search for a testicle sandwhich.... or lose to the burping game and make sex noises.. I'm here babe lol.
or maybe ya wanna make fun of my brother and his Euros...
...i'll still be here :)
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