So, uh, I might have just posted a long rant on MySpace about all the reasons I hate my school...
"Okay, first of all I haven't witnessed any wannarexics at St. Joe's but I'm going to bitch about them too because I'm sure there's at least one. ONWARD!
The many reasons Carrie Renwick hates St. Joe's(in order of what pisses me off most):
Wannarexics! Who cares to know why I loathe these idiots so much? Well, it's all because they pretend to have eating disorders they don't have just to get some attention.
People who are actually affected by eating disorders 1) Do NOT flaunt it like it's some shiny diamond ring that their boyfriend of 129482948928 days got them. 2) Don't do it for attention. People with real eating disorders have a disease they don't chose it. It choses them and therefore they cannot snap their fingers and have an eating disorder.
The kids who say they're bisexual even though they've never been with ANYONE. You cannot be a certain sexual orientation without having expirence. You cannot be bisexual and have no physical attraction to the same sex. You actually have to be interested in the same sex in order to actually be gay or bisexual. As far as I'm concerned people are undecided until they've been with someone.
So-called "fashion punks," otherwise known as posers. There's one specific prime example of this idiocy. I won't name any names, though. I wouldn't hate these kids if they weren't the scum of the earth. You know why they're the scum of the earth? Well, I'll tell you. They're the scum of the earth because they say they hate stereotypes and don't discriminate against people when they're just walking stereotypes who do nothing but discriminate against and judge people. I don't care who you are, even if you don't realize it, you judge people no matter what.
Kids who say they're a certain religion when they have no idea what the religion they say they are actually is. So I'm just going to review some definitions of religions...
a·the·ism /ˈeɪθiˌɪzəm/
1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.
So, for those of you morons who say you're Athiest when you have no idea what it is. There ya go. Oh, and yes, Satan is considered a "supreme being" so think twice before saying you're an Athiest and then saying you "love" Satan, or whatever.
Wic·ca (wĭk'ə)
1. A polytheistic Neo-Pagan nature religion inspired by various pre-Christian western European beliefs, whose central deity is a mother goddess and which includes the use of herbal magic and benign witchcraft.
2. A group or community of believers or followers of this religion.
Just because you were a five pointed pentegram in a circle does not make you Wiccan.
1. a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience.
2. a person who denies or doubts the possibility of ultimate knowledge in some area of study.
3. of or pertaining to agnostics or agnosticism.
4. asserting the uncertainty of all claims to knowledge.
I honestly don't know what to say about the idiots who say they're Agnostic and don't follow their beliefs.
Sa·tan·ism /[seyt-n-iz-uhm]
1. the worship of Satan or the powers of evil.
2. a travesty of Christian rites in which Satan is worshiped.
3. diabolical or satanic disposition, behavior, or activity.
I'm not even going to BEGIN bitching about the kids who say they're Satanists when they're not.
Those really are the main religions that attract idiots who don't know what or who they are. Idiots who want nothing more than to fit in with the crowd. Do not say you're of a certain religion if you know nothing about it.
Thomas Reis and David-George Oldham. I have no idea if I spelt their surnames correctly or not and I, quite frankly, do not care. Let's start with Thomas. I hate Thomas because he's an idiot. He's willing to change who he is in order to get one more insignifigant fuck as a friend. I hate people who are fake and he is a prime example. I really have nothing against him other than that but that right there is enough to make me hate someone more than life itself. Now, David-George. Where do I even begin with David-George? Let's start with the fact that almost everything that comes out of this so-called "punk"'s mouth has to do with how much he hates "fashion punks"(mentioned earlier in the rant) and "emo's" when infact he is the biggest poser I have ever seen in my 14 years. I hate when people say they hate "emo," as far as I'm concerned "emo" doesn't exist. Just because people are depressed does NOT make them "emo." I repeat, it does NOT make them an "emo." So to both of you little insignifigant cumstains, go die.
Last but certainly not least, fake cutters. I hate fake cutters because they're stupid. That pretty much sums it up. People who actually cut are morbidly depressed and do not flaunt it. Much like people with eating disorders. I do, however, LOVE it when these morons show me their non-existant "scars." It's amazingly funny.
Anyway, that ends me hate-bulletin."
I love myself, really I do. It did feel good to get that shit off my chest, though.
I got my legs waxed. It didn't hurt until she got to the right leg. Apparently my right leg is a hell of a lot more sensitive than the left. Oh well. I had intended on getting my vag waxed too but I chickened out. Next time I'll get that fucker, though! Nah, I'll probably be a pansy again. Oh well. Anyway, I have to shower and make cheat sheets. Ciao, fuckers! ...Well, Karli. 'Cause you're the only one who ever reads my LJ. xD