Anybody feeling nuts, and maybe thinking of hitting the early premier showings of Iron Man on Thursday? Looks like a few theaters in striking distance will be doing 8 and 9 o'clock showings.
Hey, I'm coming home at the end of the month. Getting back in really late on the 28th, and leaving on the 11th of July. Only 13 days, but we should all plan to hang out. I just recently watched the "Firefly" series. I saw that you had it last time I was back. If you haven't watched it yet you should. I can't believe it got cancelled. You guys should watch the series and then we can watch the movie when I get back.
Hey man! Awesome! Yeah, I've watched part of it... it seems good, but not "zomg the best sci-fi show evar" good that some people make it out to be. Shame, there was a lot of potential there.
Comments 5
I also have my photography class tomorrow night. And know nothing about Ironman. ;)
Did you guys want to hang out on Friday night? Saturday things are going on . . .
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