.x. Basics .x.
x. Name: Heather
x. Location: Naples Florida
x. Gender: Female
x. Hobbies: mall, phone, internet.
x. Age: 15
x. Birthday: November 3, 1989
x. Single?: yes
x. Describe your personality: i can be a bitch sometimes but other than that you can trust me.
x. Height: 5'3 or 5'4
.x. Favorites .x.
x. Top ten bands/singers: The Get Up Kids, Sublime, SLR Whitstar, The Used, Coheed and Cambria, Billy Talent, Blindside, System of a Down, Modest Mouse, Taking Back Sunday.
x. Top five movies: Thirteen, Jay and Silent Bob, Mallrats, Spun, Grind.
x. Color(s): Aqua and Yellow
x. Animal: Octapuss (sp)
x. Font: Disney Print
x. Community (besides this one of course): _dropdeadsexy or fuckingxhott_
x. Song: Line and Sinker by Billy Talent
x. Top three books: Acceleration, Annies Baby, and Violation.
x. Item of clothing: My Pink Tye Dye shirt from Brasil. (thanks Wendy!)
x. Subject in school: Art
.x. Random .x.
x. Ever get your heart broken?: yes
x. Name some embarassing CD's that you own: i dont really have anything embarassing.
x. Do/Did you like school?: Not really.
x. If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?: I would probably do as much as i can. Skydive and go on a rollercoster or something. Something worth spending my time on.
x. Name some things you want to do before you die: Have Sex, have children, succeed through school, get married, etc.
x. Do you believe in a higher power?: yes
x. Do you believe in aliens?: not quite sure?
x. Have you ever been to the store Monkey Business?: nope, how is it?
.x. Do you... .x.
x. Drive? not yet about to.
x. Smoke?: used to
x. Drink?: sometimes
x. Do drugs?:hell no
x. Sleep with stuffed animals?: used to
x. Like Harry Potter?:maybe Ronald Weesley.
x. Have a cell phone?:yes
x. Hate George Bush?: i cant really say. dont know him that well to discriminate.
x. Regret anything?: i regret ever talking about any of my close friends.
.x. This Or That (and why) .x.
x.Cat/Dog: cat cause they are more fun to throw around. (jk)
x.Write/Read: write- just because i love to write.
x.Shop/Computer:both. i cant stop loving both of these.
x.Party/Sleepover: party-more active.
x.Drink/Smoke: drink-?
x.Love/Hate: love- because hating isnt a good thing to do.
x.Flowers/Chocolate: flowers- for some reason it seems it would be more nicer.
x.Happy/Sad: happy-duh,who wants to be sad? not me. you?
x.Squirrels/Pancakes: squirrels because i like a kid whose nickname is squirrel!
x. Promote this community somewhere and gimme the link:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/dr1fted_away/x. Will you be active in this community?: hell yah.
x. Why are you a "crazie cutie"?: cause i am gangsta son.
x. Where did you hear about this community?: from some girls livejournal!
.x. Pictures (at least 2, no more then 10) .x.