.x. Basics .x.
x. Name: Tim T.
x. Location: New York
x. Gender: Male
x. Hobbies: Video games, music, reading, Chuck Palahniuk, my band, food, friends.
x. Age: 15
x. Birthday: August 31, 1989
x. Single?: Yep
x. Describe your personality: I'm crazy, hyper, friendly, and an all around good guy. I guess.
x. Height: 5'7' -ish
.x. Favorites .x.
x. Top ten bands/singers: 1)Against Me! 2)Boys Night Out. 3)Leftover Crack. 4)Quantice Never Crashed. 5)As I Lay Dying. 6)My Safe Haven. 7)Behind Enemy Lines. 8) Apathy Season. 9)Operation Ivy. 10)Streetlight Manifesto.
x. Top five movies: 1) Boondock Saints. 2) Bowling For Columbine. 3) Fahrenheit 9/11. 4)Troy. 5)Donnie Darko.
x. Color(s): I don't have a favorite color.
x. Animal: Dog.
x. Font: Anything besides Wingdings.
x. Community (besides this one of course): None
x. Song: Lighthouses by Quantice Never Crashed.
x. Top three books: 1) Choke by Chuck Palahniuk. 2) Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk. 3)Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk. (I <3 Chuck P.)
x. Item of clothing: My "My Safe Haven" Shirt.
x. Subject in school: None
.x. Random .x.
x. Ever get your heart broken?: "Hearts don't so much as break as bend and tear but we have what it takes to keep it together and move on." - Defiance Ohio. In other words, no.
x. Name some embarassing CD's that you own: AFI, Sing The Sorrow. Blink 182, Enema of the State.
x. Do/Did you like school?: No.
x. If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?: Probably the same things I do everyday.
x. Name some things you want to do before you die: Put out a cd with my band. Anything that I possibly can do.
x. Do you believe in a higher power?: Not at the moment.
x. Do you believe in aliens?: I guess.
x. Have you ever been to the store Monkey Business?: No.
.x. Do you... .x.
x. Drive? No
x. Smoke?: No
x. Drink?: No
x. Do drugs?: No
x. Sleep with stuffed animals?: No
x. Like Harry Potter?: No
x. Have a cell phone?: No
x. Hate George Bush?: I don't hate him but he is a prick.
x. Regret anything?: No
.x. This Or That (and why) .x.
x.Cat/Dog: Dog, I'm not sure why.
x.Write/Read: Depends on what type of mood I'm in. But if the author is Chuck Palahniuk then it's definitely read.
x.Shop/Computer: Shopping is fun if you're with the right people. But Computer shopping is more efficient. I think regular shopping.
x.Party/Sleepover Definitely Partys even though I'm not invited to that many
x.Drink/Smoke: Neither. I'm Straight Edge.
x.Love/Hate: Love, hate is just horrible in any way.
x.Flowers/Chocolate: Chocolates. I never have anywhere to put flowers.
x.Happy/Sad: Being happy is so much more fun than being sad.
x.Squirrels/Pancakes: Uhm, pancakes. Eating squirrel would just be gross.
x. Promote this community somewhere and gimme the link:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/arrogant_mutant/16847.htmlx. Will you be active in this community?: Sure.
x. Why are you a "crazie cutie"?: I don't think i'm that cute at all. but uhm I am quite crazy.
x. Where did you hear about this community?: From love_backwords
.x. Pictures .x.