(no subject)

Jul 27, 2005 13:37

I'm deciding that all my creative writing work will be public. All personal posts are friends only.

And this, is a creative writing one. So, its for anyone to see.


Just 23 hours ago... Crying and throwing of objects into walls.
Just 23 hours ago... Screaming and yelling over something they didn't even know the start of.
Just 23 hours ago... A door slams shut and a heart feels just as shattered as the plates on the floor.
Just 23 hours ago... A picture frame of a happy couple falls to the floor.

And now that picture is of two unhappy individuals.
And now that heart still feels shattered and achy.
And now one of these individuals is c r y i n g it all over some drinks in a bar.
And now one of these individuals is  b r e a k i n g   d o w n  in the middle of a bare wood floor.

Surrounded by shattered glass.

And it seems like this is only to do one of two things...

Leave scars...
Keep them apart...

Its to early to tell. Its only been 23 hours.

Not even a day.

And its only human to become so down after not feeling l o v e in any amount of time.
Because its something nessicary in order to know what life really is.

And he's still lying over; and almost has been for the whole time.

Its like being awake in a coma.

In tears.

In heartbreak.

And she's draped over a table and a cocaine tray.
Planning on a drugged up nosebleed to numb her mind over the recent ordeal.

But her makeup is still messed up from crying just an hour ago.
Maybe she'll walk out with  another guy's arm to hang on to for the night.

Maybe that'll help her, a little.

But he's still going to be doubled over on the floor in tears, not moving.

[   I . . .  I   l o v e d   h e r .   ]
[ I loved her so much... ]

Soon enough he has to pull himself together enough to stand.
He hasn't eaten or drank all day.
He hasn't slept at all the night before.

And its 10:46 at night.

He walks out to the apartment balcony for a smoke, a thought.

Along with a groan, a headache, and an inhale of smoke.

Let's think this all over...



"If there is someone on your friends list you would love to have an epic, sweaty, damn near legendary, 12 hour fuckathon with, post this same exact sentence in your journal."  <

So now I hope you all enjoyed that short little bit.  And that little known fact there. :P



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