
Apr 10, 2005 14:33

Name: Lisa
Age: 22
Birthdate: December 19, 1982
Gender: Girl
Drugs: I tried pot once and shrooms once, and neither one had any affect on me. So I thought “meh” and didn’t bother doing them again. I’m not averse to trying things, but generally drugs aren’t really my thing.
Alcohol: I used to drink way too much, but I’ve definitely cut down. I think I’ve been drunk maybe three times all year. Again, it’s not really my thing anymore.
Cigarettes/Cigars: No thank you. My dad died of lung cancer when I was ten and I have very strong opinions on cigarettes. Frankly, I loathe them.
Favourite music genre: For the most part, it’s punkish stuff. But, really, I’ll listen to anything. Seriously anything. My winamp playlist consists of punk, emo, heavy stuff, Frank Sinatra, jazz, classical, 80s hilarity, songs from Les Miserables, random TV theme songs, top 40 stuff, country, etc etc.
Top 10 artists/bands/composers:
Dead Kennedys (my all-time favourite band from the time I was in junior high)
The Misfits (the Danzig era)
Green Day
Finger Eleven
Alkaline Trio
Bad Religion
Favourite form of art: Oh, this is a hard one. For myself (as in, art forms that I like to dabble in), I like photography, writing, and acrylic painting. I need a better camera, though, to really pursue photography like I want. However, in general, I think sculpture is pretty damned cool.
Top 5 movies:
The Shining
Moulin Rouge
The Corporation (long, but oh so interesting)
Kill Bill (I’m counting it as one movie because it was originally made that way)
Favourite food: Oh god, spaghetti. I’m going to end up like that guy in the “greed” scene from Seven who eats spaghetti until he dies. Well, maybe not that extreme, but I love spaghetti a little bit more than one should love any kind of food.
Top 3 books: Again, this is a hard question but…
The Princess Bride - William Goldman (ah, metafiction at its finest!)
Vernon God Little - DBC Pierre
Animal Farm - George Orwell
If you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?: Just one person, eh? Robert Munsch. I missed out on meeting him three different times and it really bugged me. I want to meet him because I want to do what he does. I’ve wanted to write children’s literature since I was a child myself, so it would be nice to sit down with someone who’s done it successfully for years and just talk about it.
If you could switch places with anyone, who would it be and why?: My friend Leah. She’s in Europe right now and I’m jealous. So I’d like to switch places with her so I could gallivant around Europe while she sits here and writes my term papers for me.
If you could fight any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be and why?: Gary Coleman. I bet he’s got mad ninja skills.

Racism: It bothers me that a person can think that they’re so much better than someone else based on the colour of their skin, their language, their cultural beliefs, etc. I’m not going to pull a Miss America answer and say “oh we should all get along, tra la la la la” because I don’t think it will ever happen, sadly. People will continue to believe what they want to believe. If people are hateful, they’ll hate no matter what. I think the best thing that I can do, personally, is not to judge people based on race and hope that I’ll raise my own children to do the same.
Politics: Well, here in Canada, I’m an NDP girl (New Democratic Party). I definitely lean toward the left.
George Bush: His whole administration scares the begeezus out of me.
Organized religion: To be honest, I don’t really know much about organized religion. It’s not an area that I generally research. I guess some people need religion to feel complete. I don’t know. God and I haven’t exactly been on speaking terms in the last decade.
Love at first sight: I don’t believe in it. Love is something that takes a while to grow. You can’t just look at someone and love them. It’s so much deeper than that. Of course there can be attraction at first sight and maybe some sort of immediate connection, but it’s not love.
Pre-marital sex: I have it. I’m fine with it. As long as you take proper precautions, I think you should be free to do as you please with your body and your personal life.
Gay marriage: Love is love is love. You don’t generally choose who you fall in love with, so why shouldn’t homosexuals be allowed to marry who they love? Equal rights are equal rights. Homosexuals should have the same rights as any other citizen. I don’t see how two men or two women marrying each other will affect my life in any way, so I say go to ‘er. I live in Canada where we’re about to vote on legalizing gay marriage, so I’ve heard all the arguments. Oh, it’ll destroy the traditional definition of marriage. Oh, it’ll lead to polygamy being legalized. Priests will be forced to perform gay weddings. Blah, blah, blah. If two people are going to end up happier in the end, then there’s nothing wrong with it.
Abortion: It’s hard for me to really have a clear-cut standpoint on an issue like this because I agree with points on both sides of the argument. I can’t really say that I’m pro-life because I think that abortions should be available in certain circumstances, and because of that, I’m not considered pro-choice either since I think it should be a procedure used only in certain circumstances (i.e. sexual assault, incest, danger to the life of the mother, etc.) At the same time, though, I don’t allow my moral beliefs on this issue sway my political ones (if that makes any sense). I have no right to dictate what another woman can and can't do with her body. That's not my place. Just because I don't feel it's the right decision for me, I would never look down on those who have had abortions or who would have abortions whether or not they fit into what I think are "certain circumstances".
Animal rights: Just because I’m human doesn’t make me any better than the rest of the species that I share this planet with.
Euthanasia (of humans): I think it should be a legal option. Again, like with the abortion issue, I don’t think it’s my place to dictate what a person can and can’t do with his/her own body. I think it’s selfish for someone to keep another person alive when there’s clearly no life left. If I were essentially a vegetable, I would want to be euthanized. Being a body in a bed isn’t living, in my opinion.
Cloning / Genetic research: I think it’s great. There are a lot of things out there that need to be cured and research is the only way to move toward that.
Bad spelling / grammar: I’m an English major, thus a grammar Nazi. It actually makes me ill when I see “typing lyke dis n ppl who think itz kewl”. Even something small like Canadians not using Canadian spelling irritates me to no end. What can I say? I’m neurotic.

How did you find out about this community?: Procrastination leads to interesting things. I was looking through my friends’ friends pages and user info. I’m pretty sure I found it through mypoorfriendme.
Promote us one place and tell us where: I’m new to LJ and I don’t belong to many communities, so I decided to promote you guys here: my university community
Having fun?: It sure beats the hell out of writing term papers!
Why do you want to be apart of this community?: I thought it was interesting. I’ve never joined a rating community and I like how this one rates you based on who you are and not what you look like. It’ll be interesting to see what people actually think of me based on my answers. People rarely tell you the truth and if I’m a stupid bitch, I’d like to know.
What is your definition of "fake" and why do you think you are not?: People who change who they are to fit in with the people they’re surrounded by. I don’t think I’m fake because I get shit on enough from people for my opinions, so I figured if I had conformed to be just like them, they would have nothing bad to say about me, right? I’m me, I like it, and I don’t plan on changing.
Describe yourself in two sentences or less, GO GOD DAMMIT! Ahh! Don’t yell at me! I’m Lisa and my mom says I’m cool.
And, show us at least one picture of yourself: Okie dokie...

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