Sorry that it's taken so long to post this.
Remove the sheathe of your ignorance
*Name: Ashleigh
*Age: Sixteen
*Birthdate: December 31, 1988
*Gender: Female
*Drugs: I've experimented and I'm not impressed with most (i.e.: Cocaine), but there are a select few that I still use, some more than others, but I'd say that my "favorite" drug is mushrooms.
*Alcohol: On occasion, but not often. . Lately, I've been leaning more towards wine and with the harder drinks, I'll stick to vodka, but I don't drink often - maybe once a year.
*Cigarettes/Cigars: No. Even though I've done drugs (and still do a few, as stated above) and drink on occasion, I find it utterly disgusting to smoke any type of cigarette or cigar. . While cigars may look classy, I wouldn't touch them.
*Favourite music genre: Hmm. . I have a hard time profiling music genres (rock is so broad). . We'll say '90s rock/grunge
*Top 10 artists/bands/composers:
In no order. .
1- Ween
2- The Pixies
3- Nirvana
4- Le Tigre
5- Primus
6- Marilyn Manson (anything except for the new album. . The Golden Age of Grotesque. What a let down)
7- The Breeders
8- Velvet Underground
10- Rammstein
*Favourite form of art: As much as I admire paintings and adore photography, I'm going to say drawing. Plain drawing. It never fails to amaze me to see some of the things that one may do with a mere pencil and paper. . The ability to draw and capture things is simply fascinating to me.
*Top 5 movies:
1 - Natural Born Killers
2 - Silence of the Lambs
3 - Ghostworld
4 - A Clockwork Orange
5 - All the President's Men or Pulp Fiction . . It's tough.
*Favourite food: As of late, it's going strong with tofu. .
*Top 3 books:
1 - Teen Angst? Naaah. . A Quasi-autobiography (by Ned Vizzini)
2 - The Perks of Being a Wallflower
3 - Alice in Wonderland, but Diary of a Drug Fiend is proving to be a good read.
*If you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?: . .Another extremely tough question. . I suppose I'd meet Aleister Crowley (for lunch) because he was brilliant and would serve as great conversation. .I would love to hear his thoughts on what the world has turned into since his death (even if it wasn't an extreme amount of years ago), and even just. .Any other thoughts of his.
*If you could switch places with anyone, who would it be and why?: I wouldn't mind switching places with anyone (only for a day though, not permanently) just because I'd like to see the world (and be seen by the world) in someone else's eyes. . I'd like to see the world through the eyes of anyone in any country on a Visa, a male, a celebrity, someone from the 1800s. . In any other pair of shoes. OH! Marque' De Sade (I'm not 100% sure on the spelling) would be interesting.
*If you could fight any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be and why?: Bill O' Reily. . That pompous douche bag deserves to get physically attacked - let's just say I'd like to cut his mic. I think he's a fascist, hypocritical Republican that is miserable with himself so he needs to belittle others. .
Opinions on ... (explain your answers)
*Racism: I'm not a fan of any form of racism. . I don't think there's any reason out there that excuses the hatred for another race. . One person's misdoing does not constitute for the entire race. It's pointless, stupid, and vulgar. . Also, it's way too common. . It will more than likely never die out because as long as man kind still walk the earth, the idiots will walk among him (metaphorically speaking). It's utterly depressing to see people honestly thinking that their race is superior - no one here is of a different species, so the dominance part of it blows my mind. .
*Politics: I like politics - reading, watching, but I admit that I get pissed off way too easily, especially as of late. .I honestly can't see where the liberal-bias is in the news, but allegedly, it's there. .It's a good conversation starter and even better at keeping one going. Right now, I'm frustrated with how politics is going - all red, but I'm hoping that that too will pass.
if you put anything to the effect of "I don't care" or "I hate politics", omit the next question
**George Bush: It's almost like Bill O' Reily is in office. I believe that this man would make a great used car sales man (sleazy, without a soul, and selfish), but knows basically nothing about presidency. I wouldn't be surprised if his version of "soul searching" was to hunt down little children and steal their souls since he has none. Fucking Republicans.
*Organized religion: To each their own, I suppose. .I personally don't favor organized religion, but if someone else does and it works for them, then great.. I wouldn't want to completely insult and belittle someone else's beliefs because they are not my own, and I'd expect the same in return. .
*Love at first sight: Part of me wants to say that I believe in it, but another part calls my own bluff. . I believe that there can be a different level of attraction that could lead to love, but full-blown love at first sight must be extremely rare, if it is possible in the first place.
*Pre-marital sex: I see nothing wrong with it. . . As long as you're safe and it's really what you'd like to do, then be my guest. . However, I could see where waiting until one is married might feel. .Great and special (as in: giving your full self to the other on the night of your wedding), but that's not what happens or works for most. .All I can say is: to each their own.
*Gay marriage: It's revolting that it's illegal in what, forty-nine states? It really lowers my respect for the entire country to think that two men or women may not be wed because to be wed is a "sacred" thing, and thus homosexuals are not allowed to experience it, because, you know, they're not humans, they're not citizens. Equality, god damn it. I've seen more stable gay relationships than straight.. And in "the ancient world," it was not uncommon to marry two people of the same sex. .In short, I'm for it.
*Abortion: It should be the choice of the woman: she knows the risks and consequences of her actions, so why shouldn't she be allowed? It shouldn't be used as a form of birth control, and I would hope to never be in the situation where I'd need to get one (I try very hard to be safe when it comes to sex), but I know that I would end up getting one if I got pregnant at too early of an age because I am fully aware that while I may want a child, I am in no way ready - in no way qualified - to raise another human being. .I would want to prevent a life from being destroyed, rather than potentially destroying the lives of three (the child, myself, and my signifigant other). Also, I can see abortion being necessary in some cases, including rape victims.
*Animal rights: I'm for the ethical treatment of animals. . I don't think that animal testing is right and I find animal violence and exploitation to be wrong on many levels. .In some ways, I find it to be like neglecting a child - an animal has a tendancy to be just as helpess as one (a child). . If one is going to own a pet, or care for one, they should be prepared to care for it in any way.
*Euthanasia (of humans): It should be up to the person that is potentially being "put down." However, if they are unable to make a decision and there is no chance of recovery (i.e.: America's own sweetheart, Terri Schaivo. .I don't know if I got the spelling right or not, sorry), then kill them. . .
*Cloning / Genetic research: Go for it - I think it could come in handy, but people should be well aware of when to stop. Also, if we are going any further with cloning, take extreme precaution and perhaps set boundaries.
*Bad spelling / grammar: No excuse for it - especially on the computer. People can generally type fast, and the text is directly in front of you, so please, learn to spell. I can understand the occasional "goof-up," as in missing a letter, but this "lol," "brb," "g2g," wht^" language is bullshit. You're human, not code. . . Quit being lazy on the ultimate time-cutting machine (the computer - typing is a hell of a lot faster than writing).
*How did you find out about this community?: I used to be in it (I was
offthewallpixie ), but then, I found it on an interest search.
*Promote us one place and tell us where: Check:
__lilithabuse *Having fun?: Actually, yes; I liked having to think about some questions and ways to form my opinions without coming off totally illiterate. . This application had some great questions on it that really got me thinking, so yes, I am having fun.
*Why do you want to be apart of this community?: When I was a part of this community, I thought that most of the members were creative and funny. Also, I'd like to be more involved on LJ than I have been as of late and it would be nice to meet people with common interests.
*What is your definition of "fake" and why do you think you are not? My defination of "fake" is one that mimics, one that pretends, or one that disguises who they are/how they look to fit something else - someone that is a question mark with the ability to take on the form of another to gain popularity, or anything else, really. I don't find myself to be fake because I know and like who I am and wouldn't change that to get some pointless acknowledgement that won't matter sooner or later while who I am will be with me until I die, and I'd rather it be me than some false identity that would haunt me later on.
*Describe yourself in two sentences or less, GO GOD DAMMIT! I'm an all right person with ups and downs - I find myself to be average, to set knowingly high standards for myself (or anyone) sets for potential disappointment, and I am sure as hell not tormented by my current teenage years.
*And, show us at least one picture of yourself:
Myself dressed as Enid (for a play). . You fan find better pictures at if you want.......