Nov 30, 2004 23:37

I can't believe the week in Indiana went by so fast ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

amanda_ashley December 1 2004, 10:49:43 UTC
YAY! YOU'RE HOME! I'm jealous, i want to see snow :(

I bet you're excited about drew :) :) :)

love you, cya tonight


___duckie December 3 2004, 18:13:13 UTC
You know what we need to do?
We need to go take a road trip together and go EVERYWHERE!
How awesome would that be?
We could go see Jason and then drive all the way to Washington and go see Drew and hit every place in between!

Does sound like a blast.

!!!love you!!!



amanda_ashley December 4 2004, 20:07:37 UTC
completley awesome!


hey girlfriend! cute_ta_boot December 2 2004, 08:26:58 UTC
Hey girlie, I'm glad to see you had fun on your trip!! I HAD A BLAST as well!! it went by way too fast just like you said! but unlike you i DID get to go shopping! lol..I'm so psyched for drew to be coming..can't wait to meet him.lol. shabbs text messaged me last night and she was like "hey i was just thinking about u and wanted to say i love you and miss you" do you know what that was about? she never text messages me.lol. i thought it was sweet though. alrighty well cya tonight or whenever luv ya!~ God Bless


Re: hey girlfriend! ___duckie December 3 2004, 18:18:58 UTC
I'm glad you had fun on your trip too!
Jealous you got to go shopping though..SO not fair! ;)

Well, Abbs did tell me how much she missed you so I guess she wanted to tell you also? lol

She didn't like the idea that everyone was going out of town and she was stuck at home.
I wanted her to come to Indi with me but she wasn't able to make it. :(
Maybe next time.

Yeah yeah! I can't wait for you to meet Drew!
I know your gonna LOVE him...
I don't think its possible to NOT love him
He's awesomely amazing

love love love,


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