
Apr 26, 2005 15:12

Name: deanna
Age: 14
Location: saint louis, missouri
Sex. [By the way…if you say anything than your gender…you're not funny.]: female

About you:
6+ of your favorite bands:
bright eyes
death cab
xiu xiu
blood brothers
dresden dolls
belle & sebastian
sigur ros
the chariot
q and not u

5 of your favorite songs:
clark gable by the postal service
make war by bright eyes
let go by frou frou
l.a.x. by q and not u
teen heat by blood brothers

Some of your favorite movies/films:
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
garden state
the princess bride
the incredibles
young frankenstein

Name one, and only one, band that you dislike. And tell us why:
atreyu because they just irk my nerves.
What's your favorite subject in school [Don't say lunch.]: Math because I am fairly good at it and I find numbers really fun.
Is there something people usually associate with you? If so, what? spelling things phonetically on the internet. people probably hate me for it, but i think it's pretty much really entertaining.
&&& i figured why not ask someone i'm around a lot what they associate me with and he said "being cute".
NYC or Las Vegas, why? I've actually never been to either city. I'd pick New York though. I've never had an interest in visiting Las Vegas.
Tea or Coffee, why? Both. I love green tea but I also love coffee.
Show us a picture that describes you. It can be anything from your favorite scarf to a place. Just give us a reason how it describes you.

this is my favorite outfit.
i think you can tell a lot about how a person feels about themselves based on how they present themselves.
Your opinion on:
Wal-Mart: low prices & good craft supplies. I just don't like the cramped aisles very much.
Fast food: i don't like it besides subway & bread co.
The Scene: as long as you're a part of the scene and it's not a part of you, it's pretty fun.
i'd wish everyone left their egos at home though.
Premarital Sex: if it's not a random hookup, i'm not going to judge. just be safe & use protection.

5+ CLEAR pictures of yourself.

i don't straighten my hair like that anymore.

Post a picture of yourself holding a sign that says "[your username]@___dynasty" so we know that you're not a faker. [note: you don't have to do this part if we know you in person]:

THIS IS OPTIONAL [but good for extra brownie points]: Promote our community in 2 places & provide us with the links [make sure you're ALLOWED to promote, don't get yourself, or us, in trouble]:
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