(no subject)

Feb 21, 2005 14:45

[a]ge: 15
[b]estfriends: katie, jordan
[c]hoice of meat: steak
[d]ream date: your dad
[e]xciting adventure: dancing parties in the best buy parking lot. hellz yeah.
[f]avorite food: chicken quasadilla from taco bell. mmmm....
[g]reatest accomplishment: uh... *shrug*
[h]appiest day of your life: there's been a couple but i can't specify right now
[i]nterests: music, movies, photography, the usual teenage stuff i guess
[j]ello: i like cherry
[k]ool aid: whatever that turquoise kind is...
[l]ove: to love and be loved
[m]ost valued: cds, family guy box set, family & friends, boyfriend
[n]ame: Liz...
[o]utfit you wore to school today: didn't have school today
[p]izza topping: just cheese & mushrooms
[q]uestion most asked: "how's it going?"
[r]adio station: i don't listen to the radio much, but 96.5 i guess.
[s]port: i like to watch basketball
[t]elevision show: AQUA TEEN!!!
[u]r favorite song: right now "Motion Picture Soundtrack" by Radiohead
[w]here you live: my house...?
[x]yz: uh...?
[y]ear born: '89
[z]odiac sign: taurus

well, that was fun.
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