1. if ur my friend why is that?
2. do i make u laugh?
3. do i seem weird?
4. describe me in 5 words.
5. if u could teach me how to do something what would it be?
6. if u could take me somewhere, where would it be and why?
7. name 1 thing u would change about me.
8. name 1 thing u wouldnt change about me.
9. if we were ever trapt in a mall together over night with nobody there, what would we do?
10. if u could plan me the ultimate party where would it be at? and if u could get any 3 bands which would u choose for me?
11. name something that reminds you of me.
12. am i decent looking?
13. ever want to tell me something but havent?
14. have i ever got u upset? if so what about?
15. when was the last time we saw eachother?
16. do u trust me?
17. do u think i am somebody u would come to whenever u need somebody to listen?
18. do u think im honest or a blunt person?
19. name a memory we shared.
20. tell me something random.