I officially am the best house cleaner EVER. I cleaned the whole house up. goodie for me.
running off an hour sleep. HOORAY!
so, I decided to sever all ties to my high school days, aka brittany, dusty, josh, colleen, james, bobby, ANYONE. well besides zach but i work with him. and he is better than that.
and they can laugh at me because they heard i had anal sex with james
(where the hell did that come from
i do not know
but they think its funny
sounds like some 14 year olds that just discovered porn.
Dusty says "let's say she had butt sex with james that's the most horrible thing i can think to say about her"
awww dusty, you use to call me your little sister...*tear* JAJAJA
ha. yeah i have better standards than that.
they ditched brandon too, soon the tables will turn on the poor young girls that believe brittany wants to be their friend.
the best thing about it, i am their only topic of conversation, i am proud of myself.
I am happy i don't have to wear certain clothes or do my hair a certain way to fit in with my friends.
they like me for me, chubby love and all.
Brittany had her times of complete wonderful best friend-ness but most of the time, she just likes to make people feel bad about themselves.
I know one day though, she will get her's and for that, that's why i am not bothered by anything they say about me. whats the point in getting upset over stupid shit they say? i mean, really.
now if they want to fight, hell yeah, ill kick some little girl assssss.
yeah i know, their are spelling errors but holy shit people, mistakes and errors is what life is.