1. If you dislike me, kindly leave. You have no place here. Buhbye.
2. If you've added me and I haven't added you back it is either because 1. You didn't have the curtisy to introduce yourself, or 2. I looked at your journal and I didn't like what I saw, for whatever reason.
3. Common Decency. If you have something to say, by all means say it. But please don't leave my journal filled with flagrant remarks that do not consist of an argument. Oh, and non-anonymous posts are always a plus. Either way, IPs.
4. For the most part I am nice but I can be a pretentious asshole, and if I don't like your ways, I will probably make a post dedicated to insulting people like you, yourself, your mother and possibly.. your mother's aunt.
5. Believe what you hear. I am a narcissistic asshole. Yes, I am one vain motherfucker.