_Name: Aliey
_Nicknames: Well, Alieyson is my full name, but Aliey is what everyone calls me.
_Age/DOB: 16 // 1.28.88
_Were you a happy little fetus?: Well, I was hyper little fetus. I was the life of the party of the fetuses as well, not to mention in a fetus gang. Let's just say I was the main fetus and leave it at that ;)
_Gender: Well I don't have a penis.
_Location: New York, I'm getting sick of it though, California here I come?
_Status: Um, dating my boyfreind for over 2 years now, but I think we're going downhill.
_Flavor of Top Ramen: Chicken. Wow, that reminds me I haven't ate any in so long, mmmm I'm making some after this application.
_LOTR movie [1,2, or 3]: Two, I suppose, since that's the only one I've seen, I know I suck.
_Band: Of the moment, My Chemical Romance, it changes every hour, if not less.
_Drink: Water, I drink water all the time.
_Color: Anything bright and lively, that catches my attention. What can I say I like flashy things..
_TV show: Sex and the City is my obsession, I've watched season 6 over and over and over the past few days.
This or that
_Bananas or cream cheese: Creams cheese... on bread w/ pineapple as well. Mmm good.
_Sponge Bob or TRL: TRL annoys the fuck out of me, so I'll have to go with spongebob on this one.
_Dog or hippo: Hippo all the way! I'd love one, to chill in my room, I could use it as a couch...a bed.. even a car!
_Peanut butter or jelly: Hm, depends... both on bread, peanut butter on crackers & jelly on toast.
_Having a good time with friends or 1 million dollars: We can only have one? Well I don't play by the rules so I'd snatch the million and run away and spend it with my friends. Mwahaha.
Word association
_Abortion: Partial Birth :-/ *cries*
_Racism: Closeminded.
_Homophobic: Morons.
_War: Men in uniform....or my dad. =(
_Iraq: Sand comes to mind.
Make us laugh
Two tampons were walking down the street. What did one tampon say to the other?
--Nothing! They're stuck up bitches.
Promote this communtiy in two places.((Post Links as proof)) +3 CLEAR pictures of yourself
And just because...
Me sleeping