i <3 my pink sparkly retainer. oh yes i do.

Nov 24, 2004 21:33

_Name: samantha
_Nicknames: sam, or sami
_Age/DOB: 16/28 January, 1988
_Were you a happy little fetus?: I was happy when I got food. otherwise, i kicked the shit out of my mother.
_Gender: if memory serves, technically, i'm a female.
_Location: shreveport, louisiana. don't worry, i'm not as dumb as the majority of the state is.
_Status: single. this space for rent.

_Flavor of Top Ramen: beef.
_LOTR movie [1,2, or 3]: that's kind of tough, but i think i'm gonna go with 3.
_Band: the clash, siouxsie & the banshees, the boys
_Drink: dr. pepper. what's this i hear about there being a new vanilla cherry dr. pepper?! everyone's talking about it!
_Color: purple, green, or orange. i'm having a problem deciding.
_TV show: Seinfeld, and that new show House.

This or that
_Bananas or cream cheese: cream cheese, BUT only because i'm allergic to bananas. and because cream cheese tastes better on bagels than bananas do. i think.
_Sponge Bob or TRL: who lives in a pineapple under the sea SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS. i'm done. i promise.
_Dog or hippo: dog
_Peanut butter or jelly: peanutbutter. definitely.
_Having a good time with friends or 1 million dollars: well, you know, the humane answer would be having a good time with friends. but i'm kind of a shallow jerk. i'd prefer the million dollars.

Word association
_Abortion: it all depends on who the pregnant woman is and the circumstances she's under. that's my opinion.
_Racism: i HATE HATE HATE racist people. i mean, it's cool to think what you want, and i'm a firm believer in that "To each his own" thing, but i will NEVER understand prejudice of any kind.
_Homophobic: same as above. i will never understand it.
_War: i'm not really sure what i think about war. i'm... indifferent, i guess is the word i'm looking for?
_Iraq: i feel bad for them a lot of the time.

Make us laugh
Something Awful... some people may not find this entertaining, so there's also this, which is just filled with random humor. Eh, it makes ME laugh every time.

Promote this communtiy in two places.((Post Links as proof))

+3 CLEAR pictures of yourself

Homecoming. I'm the one with the red hair.

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