well well well...........tonight was deff. interesting.....i went to lexi's to get rdy to go to coopers to celebrate his birthday with him bruno and lexi........it was fun when we frist got there but then cooper had 1 too many shots of rasberry bacardi....he had 10..bruno=8..me and lexi=4 or 5.... it was really fun with cooper being a drunk idiot and then i was a little dizzy and i fell and cut my foot haha that was funny... until he threw up and then passed out in the bathroom when his dad got home! bruno had to leave at 7 so that left me and lexi with a drunk cooper on the bathroom floor and me and lexi just watched lake placid while cooper somehow told his dad that he got food poisining but then later his dad found out that he was drinking and he brought me and lexi home.........cooper is in so much trouble but lucky for me lexi and bruno his dad only knows about cooper.....in conclusion .......lexi is pissed my foot hurts it was funny but then it sucked and cooper well we won't be seeing him for awhile