i heart moose.
++++++++Info about you
Full Name: Michelle Hite
Age: 13
Sex: female
Birthday: July 6th
Where do you live: in a box on 23
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
What school do you go to: east
What is your mascot: eagles
What are your school colors: green and white
Nicknames: not so much.
Hair color: brown
Ever died your hair: yes
What color: blonde n brown
Hair length: i guess you can say long
Eye color: blue
Height: emm 5 somethin?
Siblings: one brother
Names and age: david, 26
What do you fear most in the world: death
If you could do anything without consequences, what would it be: hmm idk?
Do you have braces: no
Do you have glasses: no
Are you good at school: ummmm no
Shoe size: eight n a half
Bad habits: don't know really?
Color: pink, turquise, and orange
Teacher: dislike
Class: uhh math i guess?
Day of the week: Friday bitchess
Holiday: Christmas n by B-Day DAWGG
Movie: mean girls, n white chicks
T.V. show: SIMPLE LIFEE DOUGHH, NEWLYWEDS, the ashlee simpson show, FULL HOUSEE BABY, 7th heaven, gilmore girls, real world, american idol, boy meets world, and many many moree :)
E-mail buddy: yeahh i deff do not email people. hah
Saying: nevermind
Brand of shoes: kangarooooos
Radio station: 95.5 n 93.1
Room in your house: i dont live in a house i live in a box but my fav place in the box would prolly be in the left corner its very snuggly rightt theree dooode ;)
State: URANUS!!
Letter: X's and O's babby
Number: fuck numbers!
Vacation spot: Hawaii even know i never been there :(.. oo bummer
Video game: does DDR count?
++++++++This or That
Red or Blue: blue
Jeans or Khakis: jeans
Comedy or Drama: comedy
Computer or TV: computer
Gold or Silver: silver
Outgoing or Shy: outgoing
Day or Night: night dough
Radio or Cd's: radio doooode
Internet or Phone: internet
Happy or sad: happy
Funny or hilarious: hilarious
Summer or winter: SUMMER BABYY
Love or lust: love
Friends or family: FRIENDS
Car or truck: car
Dog or cat: dogggie
Inside or outside: i don't care.
Hurricane or Tornado: yeah i don't care.
Thunder or lightning: still not careing.
Rain or snow: rain
Hail or sleet: hail
Sunny or cloudy: sunny
Loud or quiet: depends
Coffee or tea: coffee
Coke or pepsi: pepsi
Writing or typing: typing
Cold or hot: hott
Pen or pencil: pencil
Candle or insence: candle
Plain paper or lined paper: lined
Blonde or brunette: BOTH
Curly or straight: doesn’t matter
Blanket or sleeping bag: blanket
Wal-mart or target: Target
American Eagle or Abercrombie: ither or
MTV or VH1: mtv
Spanish or German: I DON'T FRICKEN CAREEE!
Markers or colored pencils: markers
innie or outie: innie
Land or water: water
Sneeze or cough: try not
Truth or dare: dare
++++++++Love life
Do you have a crush: duhhhhhhhh
Whats his or her name: james :*
How long have you liked him or her: since we've been going outtt durrr
Do you think there is a person for everyone: yes
Do you believe in love at first sight: maybe?
Have you ever been in love: yeah
What do you think love is: cardboard.
Do you have a b/f or g/f: yep
Do you want one: i have one
When was your first kiss: i don't remember prolly like 6th or 7th grade?
Last word you said: uhhhh
Last song you sang: squeez me, squeez me never let me go until you squeez me.. its off of a commercial.. haha
What did you hate most about school: everything
Last person you flipped off: your mom shh..
Last song stuck in your head: the song of of date commercial
What's in your CD player: i deff don't listen to my cd player
What color sox are you wearing: white
What's under your bed: your babys daddy
What's the weather like: look outside
What time did you wake up today: around 11:30
Did you think it was earlier, later, or on time: never again.
++++++++Have you ever
Smoked: no
drank: yeah
Been high: no
Done drugs: no
Partied until the sun came up: oh yeah
Stole: mmhm
Stayed up all night on the internet: yeah
Met someone off the internet (in person): idk?
Cried over a guy/girl: yes
Been in a cat fight: yes me and leeann:)
Wanted to kill someone: YESSS
Fell off a chair: yup
Do you like your handwriting: no.
Are you picky: yep
What makes you cry: your face
What makes you mad: stuff
Do you believe in God: yes.
When you get mad, do you swear a lot: no i eat squid
Ever worn black nail polish: fer halloween
Do you ever steal anything from hotels: i love stealing from hotels its my passion dough!:))
Who do you like to shop with? YOUR MOM WHOOP WHOOP!
Talk with the most? leeann, n james
Trust the most? can't trust no one these days
Laugh with...? everyone
Give advice too...? people
Who gives you advice? your moms, brothers, sons, uncles, GRANDPA JOE
Best Friend? LeeAnn derr
Best dancer? elodii loll
Best singer? idk?
Best writer? anna she writes good poems;) hahahahhahahhahaha
Best Smile? hmm idk?