Community Name: obladi_layouts Type of Community: Layout How many members currently: 9 How active is it: Pretty active. I update once a week, on average. Button to link back to your comm. with:
Community Name: artmix Type of Community: art (icons,wallpapers,blends,headers) How many members currently: 1 How active is it: weekly Button to link back to your comm. with:
( ... )
if you link in your userinfo, i'll add you but i'm closing membership because it's annoying getting so many requests... but too many icon stealers try joining that i HAVE to moderate it.
but comment back when you added a link in your info & i'll add you.
Comments 69
Type of Community: Layout
How many members currently: 9
How active is it: Pretty active. I update once a week, on average.
Button to link back to your comm. with:
( ... )
i can also affiliate you with _iiconage if you'd like to affiliate that one too
Community Name: artmix
Type of Community: art (icons,wallpapers,blends,headers)
How many members currently: 1
How active is it: weekly
Button to link back to your comm. with:
( ... )
but comment back when you added a link in your info & i'll add you.
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