♥♥♥ - BASICS
Name: Audrey
Age: 17
Location: Louisiana
Sexual orientation Straight
♥♥♥ - STUFF
5 Bands/singers: At the Drive In, The Mars Volta, Weezer, Incubus, Dispatch
5 Movies: Donnie Darko, The Emperor's New Groove, The Notebook, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Boondock Saints
5 Bands/singers you dislike: Britney Spears, Good Charlotte, Linkin Park, Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff
3 Favorite stores: Sephora, Urban Outfitters, Wet Seal
Hobbies: Fencing, musical theater, playing bass guitar, singing
Guilty pleasures: Chick-fil-a, watching court TV at 3am, writing 34738952 text messages a month
Pet peeves: hypocrisy, rascism, homophobia, people who try to push their religion on me, smoking, ignorance.
Opinion on homosexuality: I am VERY pro gay marriage. Love is love, simple as that. Everybody deserves to share the bond of marriage with the one they love, regardless of race. Some of my closest friends are gay, and it doesn't bother me one little bit. Its just another part of who they are, not an overwhelming factor into their personality.
Opinion on abortion: Personally, I could never have an abortion, for personal moral views. It would just never be an option for me. But in general, I am pro-situation. I think abortion should not be used as a quick fix. I know a few girls who have had multiple abortions and they are 16, 17, 18 years old. They seem to think its okay to use abortion as a method of birth control. I disapprove of that wholeheartedly. But on the other hand, I also have a very close friend who I actually drove to get an abortion. She was raped by her stepfather. It is unfair to ask a woman who had a child forced on her by rape an abuse to give birth. There are too many gray areas in life for first trimester abortions to be illegal. So if I absolutely had to pick one stance or the other, I would say I am pro-choice.
Opinion on pre-marital sex: I don't see myself having premarital sex in the near future (although I wouldn't say never). To me, sex is a forever thing, but that's just a personal view, not really a religious or moral one. I think the decision of when to have sex is purely a personal decision that should be based on the maturity of the two people and their own personal views on sex.
Do you smoke / drink / do drugs? Nope. I drink on occasion, but usually with my parents (they'll let me have a bit of wine or whatever they are drinking).
What inspires you? It inspires me to see women take control of their own destiny, and to make their own dreams come true. God, that sounds so trite but its true.
If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be? (Don't wish for more wishes)
1) I want my boyfriend to feel better...he's been having some serious problems with depression.
2) I want Kate's brother to come home from Iraq safely.
3) I want a Dr. Pepper!
Do you promise to stay active? Yes :)
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I'm the short one :)