♥♥♥ - BASICS
Name: Rylee
Age: 16
Location: Aliso Viejo, Cali
Sexual orientation Femaleee
♥♥♥ - STUFF
5 Bands/singers:
1.Green Day
4.The killers
5.The Beatles
5 Movies:
1.Naploeon Dynamite
2.The incredibles
3.Old school
4.Sixteen Candles
5.Mean Girls
5 Bands/singers you dislike:
1.Hilary Duff
2.Dixie Chicks
3.John Mayer
4.Spice Girls
5.Beackstreet boys ha
3 Favorite stores:
*Beach(laying in the sun, bonfires)
*Water polo
*Hvaing toga parties!!
Guilty pleasures: A LOT OF CHOCOLATE=)
Pet peeves: When People touch my food..i think its grosse. Or when people chew with their mouths open!!
Opinion on homosexuality: I really dislike homophobic people. How would YOU feel if someone told you that you couldn't be the person you wanted to be? They deserve to be who they are..and i am FINE with that. Ummmm are they hurting anoyone? NO!! EVERYONE should be equal no matter what race,age,sexuality..or whatever!
Opinion on abortion: This HAS to be the topic that I have the most trouble debating about. Like It's totally wrong in one respect..because your killing a living fetus..but then again..what IF a girl gets raped..does she want a baby from the man who took advantage of her and raped her? I guess im more towards NOT having abortions..but there are ALWAYS exceptions!
Opinion on pre-marital sex: It's really sad seeing kids these days having sex for NO reason. Like girls are giving it up at like 12 and 13!! My lil sis came home the other day saying her friend had sex for the first time..they are in the 6th grade!! its disgusting. If your going to have sex BEFORE you get married ..seriously do it with the person you TRUELY LOVE and you KNOW your going to marry! ..Other wise why can't you wait? I mean you already waited for however long..just WAIT until your married!!
Do you smoke / drink / do drugs? No..I have never smoked or done drugs..I have Drank once..but I HATED IT! It's stupid.
What inspires you? Myself. I look back on things that I have done in the past and realized that I could've tried ALOT HARDER! Like I got passing grades last year.. c's and b's..and looking back..I'm like WHY didn't i try harder? SO now im getting honor roll because of that..and im trynig ALOT harder..and im happier with myself!!
If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be? (Don't wish for more wishes)
1. My parents would stop going on business trips ALL the time!!
2. There would be world peace..i know it WILL NEVER happen..but really I do wish that!!Atleast peace between the countries..so we dont have to be hysterical about possible nuclear wars and stuff like that!
3. To end poverty!!!!!=)
Do you promise to stay active? Ofcourse!! =)
Promote to 3 users or communities and show the links (We WILL check!):
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me (left) alex right..
me and my kittttyyyy