God Damned Soccer Moms

Aug 01, 2005 02:44

Yep, that's right.  Some woman in a giant SUV (one of those luxury deals) backed over (rather onto) her right leg (Thank god that's all too).  Never saw her, never heard her BEATING ON THE SIDE OF THE CAR AND SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER!  Then, when she decided to get out and see what (who) she'd backed onto SHE PUT THE CAR IN PARK!!!  When our friendly SUV driving soccer mom, poster child for ethnic cleansing, dumbass whore heard my mom screaming "GET YOUR FUCKING CAR OFF OF MY FUCKING LEG!!!!" she put it BACK INTO REVERSE AND STARTED GOING and finally went forward.

She never said sorry.  She just remarked that she "never saw her."

On a more greatful note my mom is okay.  Fucking supermom I tell you she didn't break a single bone when a 2 ton car parked on her leg.  She's got some bruising and her leg's a bit swollen and she can't move her ankle but she's got not a single broken bone.  Also the ER doctors figured out that she has arthritis in her back (some degenerative ugly really bad kind =(  )  which her PCP (Primary Care Physician) never saw (despite five+ years of "my back is bothering me help" >.<).

Well...here's how things happened for me:

About an hour after my mom calls me to tell me that her and my step-dad (Greg) are coming home (a 1/2 hour ride) I call Greg's cellphone because I've just got a bad feeling and he doesn't answer.  He doesn't answer.  Minutes later I get a call from him and he says "Meet me down at the walk in clinic and pick up the dog" and I, now panicking, ask "Why!!??", and Greg goes "Oh, your mom got hit by a car." and then I shout "OHMYGODOKAYI'LLBETHEREINASECONDBYE" and hang up, shout to Re "MOMGOTHITBYACAROMGI'MGOINGTOTHECLINIC", sprint out to the car, realize that Re (who hurt her knee earlier and can't really walk well) is still hobbling back from the bathroom, run back and grab her and run to the car and proceed to drive at several times the speed limit down the street and meet Greg a block or so away at the clinic. (actually the 711 is at the corner of North Main and Rt 66 and the clinic off of Jones Hollow which is a left just before the 66 N Main intersection and  I turned left nto that street right after Greg, who was assumably leaving as he called, turned right into it.  Just goes to show my speed there.)

It happened at the 711 down the street.  Dumbass stupid !@#!@# woman.  It's a crying shame that we can't stoop to their level and sue the fuck out of them, but we can't because mum's more or less okay.  Hope their insurance company shells out some just to be nice though (I doubt it).


This story makes no sense by now because I didn't tell it right..


She was at the 711 buying me and Re icecream and me cheese for my burger =(.  And of course Greg says "she was there buying cheese for you."


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