.what real name would you hate to be called?.: alice
.if you died, which place would you hate to be buried at?.: under a house
which skittle tastes the worst?.: yellow
.what is the worst place to go on a date?.: mcdonalds
.most obnoxious "clique" out there and why?.: slutty middle schoolers
.least favorite outfit that you still wear to this day?.: this one shirt i refuse to give up although it looks bad
.most hated book ever read and why?.: Great Expectations .. SO boring
.favorite fast food meal?.: fries
.what color is your most loved hair brush?.: purple
.age range of your t.v./movie crush?.: 23-25
.favorite type of dinosaur?.: that flying one? taradackal(sp?)
.favorite scene with your t.v./movie crush in it?. Summer Catch, any scene
.your most loved pair of underwear?.: my green ones with stripes that say "J'adore Boys" on the bum from ae :p
.worst pair of shoes you own?.: snow boots
.most obnoxious thing you've ever done in a store?.: let things fall off the rack and not pick it up
.worst thing you've ever done in a restaurant?.: rant about how bad it is
.what's your worst habit?.: cracking my knuckles
.favorite song you'd die if anyone else found out?.: haha idk?
.weirdest turn-on you have?.: pelvic lines
.most sexy cartoon character?.: stewie
.meanest thing you ever said to a friend?.: ehh .. i dont know at the moment?
.favorite same-sex pairing?.: eyes
.favorite food to gorge out on?.: gertrude hawks
.worst thing you've ever done in school and got away with?.: who knows?
.worst outfit/item of clothing you got away with wearing at school?.: jeans with holes in them?
.longest time you've taken a shower/bath?.: um .. 3-4 days?
.what item do you waste the most?.: money
.funniest thing a friend has ever done?.: wow there's alot
.best thing you've ever thrown out of a car?.: a shoe
.favorite movie to make fun of?.: thirteen
.worst thing you've done in your job/community service.?: never using gloves to make hoagies
.a time you peed your pants from laughing so hard.?: lots of times
.stupidest thing you've done to insult someone.?: told them they needed a new attitude (haha to miranda in like 7th grade)
.worst movie cover ever.?: soo many, but probably the most recent was the grudge, i know i never go to the movies ..