First and middle name: Jessi Alexandra
What's the story behind your username?: xox is like hugs and kisses, i just like kisses more. and hunii is my nickname my friend gave me
Age: 13
Gender: female
Location: newhampshire
How would you describe yourself?: funny and shy mostly
Something that makes you unique: that i laugh A LOT
Single/Dating: dating
Do you use drugs?: nope, and never will
Make us laugh:
http://www.potterpuppetpals.com ..go to bothering snape.. that made me laugh
Color: pink
Song: ohio is for lovers-hawthorne heights
Movie(s): the notebook
Actor/Actress: johnny depp
Gay Marriage: i think that people should have the right to marry who ever they want. i am all for gay marriages, people should be able to love and marry anyone they want.
Ashlee Simpson: i think shes cool, and shes pretty.. shes also a good singer so, i love her!!
Substance abuse: i am against it and think people with it need help.
Cheating: cheating is wrong and no one should do it because it hurts the people that have been cheated on. its totally bad
+PICTURES+ (post at least 5 including a bodyshot)
my friend didnt wanna be in the pic for everyone to see =/
sorry i dont have a full body shot =/