Hi, seeing as you are a maintainer of a community you are invited to join this. It's is a new community ljfakersfoundto get rid of fakers on livejournal. If you think someone might be a faker, we are making an archive of fakers who have been found out with real links where possible to the real person.
Its been going on so long now and its highly annoying. I am posting this to communities but mostly rating ones as this seems to be the point for most fakers. If you find any if you could add them to help others out it would be much appreciated. Or just pass the info onto my and I shall post it. It wasn’t until my friend was faked and I shut my livejournal down due to it that I decided to do this.
Comments 7
let me know
& I'll apply to your community tomorrow.
I'll add you still if you want, 1dazednconfused.
lemme know =]
Comment here to be added.
If you think someone might be a faker, we are making an archive of fakers who have been found out with real links where possible to the real person.
Its been going on so long now and its highly annoying. I am posting this to communities but mostly rating ones as this seems to be the point for most fakers. If you find any if you could add them to help others out it would be much appreciated. Or just pass the info onto my and I shall post it. It wasn’t until my friend was faked and I shut my livejournal down due to it that I decided to do this.
Thanks Join and spread the word!
Lori x
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