me and nikky made a list of things we're way into.
This is copied straight from nikkys lj.
=vegan pancakes
=bathing suits
=orange juice
=apple juice
=ska scene
=promoting the ska scene
=tight jeans
=local ska bands
=flipping pens
=driving/tricia's car
=hangign out in PJs
=holdign hands
=grandmas breakfasts
=hash browns
=cool handwriting
=being nosy
=el jays
=own rooms
=make up
=being a girl
=plastic forks
=knowing what people think about
=scene words
=making faces
=alyson avery [say it outloud.. its amazing]
=comic books
=stories that involve dinosaurs and explosions
=taco bell del taco and subway and baskin robbins
=last minute change of plans
I cannot keep this smile off of my face FOR THE LIFE OF ME.
My mom thinks im on drugs.
Me and ryan have been replaced by a dog.
I cant get away from nicole dave tricia or ryan. Come on now kids.