Jul 09, 2005 16:51



Well, yes, I have talked to Tiruk already this morning!! OMG. It was fun.

TIRUK:: [3:18 PM]: hey even if ppl are on duh loved list there only aloud to request 5 times right?
TIRUK:: [3:18 PM]: a week?
ME:: [3:19 PM]: only a maker has a loved list.
TIRUK:: [3:19 PM]: ima maker to
TIRUK:: [3:19 PM]: i no
ME:: [3:21 PM]: When a maker offers a freebie, the loved list DOES NOT count towards the total count of freebies, so like mine, if I had 1 request, from you... your not on my loved list so that's 1 request spot filled, but if Steffi requested, she's on my loved list... so she wouldn't count towards the total number, and the count would still only be 1 request.
TIRUK:: [3:22 PM]: noo im not talking bout a freebie cuz some one requested a icon for steffi n she sed how manii time can i request (duh member sed that) steffi sed 5 times a week buh your on my loved list so you can request AS many time as you want,is taht ok?
TIRUK:: [3:22 PM]: is that ok*
TIRUK:: [3:22 PM]: duh person who requesteed sed how mani time can i requests?
ME:: [3:23 PM]: I know... she's on Steffi's loved list, steffi can choose to manage her loved list how she pleases. If steffi wants to make it that people on her loved list can request only from her as many times as they like, then thats how it is.
TIRUK:: [3:23 PM]: ohhhh ok! i get it now.
TIRUK:: [3:24 PM]: rthanks for explaining it
TIRUK:: 0o [3:24 PM]: thanks*
ME:: [3:24 PM]: yeah.
ME:: [3:25 PM]: anyway... why did you want to know?
TIRUK:: [3:25 PM]: just wondering
ME:: [3:26 PM]: oh
ME:: [3:28 PM]: look @ the freebies of yours that are still in the community, and let me know if they are open or closed please.
TIRUK:: [3:28 PM]: okay
TIRUK:: [3:29 PM]: The one that I post a freebie up with your boyfriends pic as a example is closed.
ME:: [3:29 PM]: ok.
ME:: [3:29 PM]: what about the rest?
TIRUK:: [3:30 PM]: Mon, June 20th, 2005 @ 7:39pm
TIRUK:: [3:30 PM]: dat one is closed
ME:: [3:31 PM]: are those the only ones?
TIRUK:: [3:31 PM]: Sun, June 19th, 2005 @ 10:28pm]
TIRUK:: [3:31 PM]: n dats the one ima close now
TIRUK:: [3:31 PM]: and thats all duh freebies i have
ME:: [3:31 PM]: don't bother closing it.
TIRUK:: [3:32 PM]: y? i dont want it to be open no more cuz no one requests anyways
TIRUK:: [3:32 PM]: for dat one
ME:: [3:32 PM]: Because I'm deleting.
TIRUK:: [3:32 PM]: why?
TIRUK:: [3:32 PM]: oh okay
TIRUK:: [3:32 PM]: nvm
ME:: [3:33 PM]: Because Steffi & I want the community to stay nice and tighty.
TIRUK:: [3:33 PM]: Okay
TIRUK:: [3:33 PM]: do we need more makers?
TIRUK:: [3:33 PM]: or is that enough?
ME:: [3:34 PM]: It's up to you, because... once Steffi & I get our other community up we're leaving this one to you.
TIRUK:: [3:34 PM]: So your not going to be a mod in this one?
TIRUK:: [3:34 PM]: When you get ur comm up?
ME:: [3:35 PM]: We're not sure. We might still be mods. But as far as community management goes. It'll be yours.
TIRUK:: [3:35 PM]: Ok,what commuinty are you guys making wats the name?
ME:: [3:36 PM]: lustfulle, We're not taking apps for makers or mods but you may join if you'd like.
TIRUK:: [3:36 PM]: its only u n steffi as a maker?
ME:: [3:37 PM]: for right now yes.
TIRUK:: [3:37 PM]: oh okays
ME:: [3:37 PM]: It might stay that way too.
TIRUK:: [3:37 PM]: Oh,cuz i wanan be a maker
TIRUK:: [3:37 PM]: or a mod
TIRUK:: [3:37 PM]: wanna*
ME:: [3:38 PM]: I don't know if we're going to have anymore makers or mods except us.
ME:: [3:38 PM]: And, we won't be open all the time either.
ME:: [3:38 PM]: We'll be closed on weekends.
TIRUK:: [3:38 PM]: That is what i want our commuinty to be like.
ME:: [3:38 PM]: And weeks will run from Monday to Friday.
ME:: [3:39 PM]: Well, once Steffi & I get ours up, ___qutegrphx will be yours to do what you please with.
TIRUK:: [3:39 PM]: Why cant we do that now?
ME:: [3:40 PM]: Because I'd have to talk it over w/ Steff, and she's not on.
TIRUK:: [3:40 PM]: Well like You could talk it over w. me to cuz like im a owner of duh comm. as well.
ME:: [3:41 PM]: Steffi made me Co-owner too. But, I don't like doing things without every mod/maintainers approval.
TIRUK:: [3:41 PM]: Im a mod. im a maintainer.
TIRUK:: [3:42 PM]: im putting a new layout to duh comm.
TIRUK:: [3:42 PM]: atleast let me do that
ME:: [3:42 PM]: ok.
TIRUK:: [3:42 PM]: thanks
ME:: [3:42 PM]: Like I said, once me & steffi get our other one up... ___qutegrphx is yours to do what you please with.
TIRUK:: [3:42 PM]: ok im putting a layout now thoe
ME:: [3:43 PM]: k
ME:: [3:44 PM]: If your using a pre-made layout, KEEP the credit in the layout.
TIRUK:: [3:44 PM]: I know
TIRUK:: [3:44 PM]: im getting a layout from where you got the layout on your and steffis comm.
ME:: [3:44 PM]: ok
ME:: [3:47 PM]: let me know when their done.
TIRUK:: [3:47 PM]: thel ayout?
ME:: [3:47 PM]: It's done. I mean.
TIRUK:: [3:47 PM]: layout*
TIRUK:: [3:47 PM]: Ok
ME:: [3:47 PM]: yeah.
TIRUK:: [3:48 PM]: done
ME:: [3:49 PM]: k
TIRUK:: [3:49 PM]: theres links on the layout wen u click layout it takes u to were i got it 4rm
ME:: [3:50 PM]: k
TIRUK:: [3:50 PM]: do you like it
ME:: [3:50 PM]: yeah, but I have to go and edit it.
TIRUK:: [3:51 PM]: why?
ME:: [3:51 PM]: because our links don't work to our user info and stuff.
TIRUK:: [3:51 PM]: oh the layout link does
TIRUK:: [3:52 PM]: omg no it doesnt change it plz i dont know how
TIRUK:: [3:52 PM]: cuz it takese it to someone elses userinfo
ME:: [3:53 PM]: I know. I just fixed it.
TIRUK:: [3:53 PM]: tanks
ME:: [3:53 PM]: now it takes you to the our info.
TIRUK:: [3:53 PM]: yeppers it does
TIRUK:: [3:53 PM]: thanks alot
ME:: [3:54 PM]: k
ME:: [3:55 PM]: Anyway...
TIRUK:: [3:55 PM]: hey why dont you delete steffis freebie,its closed she put a banner ^
TIRUK:: [3:55 PM]: saying its closed.
ME:: [3:56 PM]: I haven't gotten to it.
ME:: [3:56 PM]: And I want to ask her first, that's why I asked you which ones were close.
ME:: [3:56 PM]: **closed.
TIRUK:: [3:57 PM]: oh ok
TIRUK:: [3:57 PM]: hey if i put me a layout up can you plz change the links so it could work like u did for duh comm. ?
ME:: [3:57 PM]: sure.
TIRUK:: [3:57 PM]: thanks
ME:: [3:58 PM]: k
TIRUK:: [3:58 PM]: can i add you bak?
TIRUK:: [3:59 PM]: wait i forgot
TIRUK:: [3:59 PM]: i have to b 15 or older
ME:: [3:59 PM]: 16
TIRUK:: [3:59 PM]: o
ME:: [3:59 PM]: yeah
TIRUK:: [4:03 PM]: dere can you plz change duh links on my lj now?
ME:: [4:03 PM]: I need ur psw.
TIRUK:: [4:03 PM]: oh plz promist now to give it to anyone
ME:: [4:04 PM]: ok... I've done stuff for lots of people, I'm not a coniving bitch... I don't do shit like that.
TIRUK:: [4:05 PM]: thank you. the pass is iloveyou and duh username is _hazeleyez_
ME:: [4:05 PM]: your pass isn't working.
TIRUK:: [4:06 PM]: you spelled it exactly like this iloveyou?
ME:: [4:06 PM]: got it nvm.
TIRUK:: [4:06 PM]: okay
ME:: [4:09 PM]: done.
TIRUK:: [4:09 PM]: thanks
TIRUK:: [4:09 PM]: alot
ME:: [4:09 PM]: yw
ME:: [4:09 PM]: brb
TIRUK:: [4:10 PM]: okie dokie
ME:: [4:12 PM]: bk
TIRUK:: [4:12 PM]: kays
TIRUK:: [4:12 PM]: brb
TIRUK:: [4:12 PM]: ima go ima be bak soon
TIRUK:: [4:12 PM]: kays? imtried of being online
ME:: [4:12 PM]: k

Steffi, I hope your alright. I've been tracking the storm. I hope you stay safe!!

I must go now.

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