i started feeling something again.
i knew it wasn't a great idea but i had some hope
but then, haha today
amazing day
gifts from parents and friends at school
got fat from the candy
put my beauuutiful roses in a vase
worked and had a pretty good time
come home, check something out for a little bit
and then i see that.
so basically, whatever the hell it was that i was feeling
it's pretty much gone again.
FUCK that
i wont even try anymore
i'm tired of this bullshit
don't fucking lie or hide shit from me
fucking damnit
and we don't even talk, i dont understand it.
all in all, today was a really good day
i just realized that i'm starting to hate you haha
:] whatevvvv.
i'm now officially enrolled into santa monica for the end of this year
and on the 20th we take a fieldtrip there and i find out what my classses are
life is pretty good, im set for the next few years
what a stress-reliever let me tell you
maybe i don't need the smokes much anymore
except for you, you fucking faggot
getting me all messed up and shit.
happy spendalotofmoney day
btw. rop dental assistant class rocks.
and so does jason and zach. and gary if he can get me that deaal.
and ashley. <-- who names their son that? haha okay