Name: Scott
Birthday: November 26
Age: 13
Gender: male
Location:. Austin TX
Marital Status: single
Shoe size:8 1/2
Favorite type of music:indie rock
5 favorite bands:Death Cab For Cutie, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Faint, the Beatles, Queen
TV Shows:Invader Zim, Saturday Night Live
Movies:Big fish, Nightmare Before Christmas
Colors:Green and white
Curse word:shit
Type of shoes (and picture if possible):I have Blue and White Vans with green laces. If you cant see the pic here you can see them in some of the other pictures of me below.
Sports to play:soccer, street hockey
Sports to watch:football, skateboarding
Actors:Will Feral, Adam Sandler
Actresses:Drew Barrymore
5 favorite Books:The Whispering Road, The Outsiders, The Contender, The Thief Lord, Down River
Link your 5 favorite websites:
1 2 3 4 5 OPINIONS
George Bush. Do you agree or disagree with his policies, practices or ideas? Why?No not really he’s too old to be president. I dont think he handled 9/11 very well either
Politics. What party do you identify with? Do you vote? Do you participate in rallies, protests or campaigns? Why?I am a republican but im really not in to politics or politicians, they usually just piss me off. No I dont vote, and no I dont participate in politic protests but others yes.
School. What activities or clubs to you belong to?I was in a science club and a skate club last year, next year I will probably do A LOT more. But school is fun for the most part.
Gay Marriage. Do you agree or disagree with it? Why?I dont have a problem with it, it is a free country so, why not?
Foamy The Squirrel:HE ROCKS!! =D
How many pairs of shoes do you own?1
Are you friends with the mods?No
Promote to three places and provide us with the link: Tell us about your physical appearance and your personality: I have long blonde hair, im skinny but not too tall I have hazelish green eyes and medium sized feet, as for my personality, I can be crazy, random caring, understanding, evil, and weird.
Ask two of your friends to describe you in one word and tell us what they say:
ScOtT ThA DoTt: describe me in one word
lloydnspace01: you in one word?
lloydnspace01: hm.....nice? well you’re nice but it wouldn’t describe you in one word. funny? yeah but no. sweet? hash. cool? yeah I think youre cool
lloydnspace01: idk
lloydnspace01: I cant
ScOtT ThA DoTt: describe me in one word
markle27: crazy
Why do you want to be in the community?It seems to be active and has alot of cool people in it. alot of the other communities I found were just boring
Where did you hear about us?
vampirehobo PICTURES
2 pics minimum! No links, please post actual pics: