1. What time is it in one hour? 7:28
2. Name as appears on birth certificate: angela r...... sapienza
3. Nickname(s): angie. a sap.
4. Do You Drive? nope
5. Single or taken? singlee !
6. Chinese zodiac: no idea.
7. All hair colors: what? i've had blonde hair, brown hair, black hair..and whatever color this is.
8. Eyelash color: black?
9. Height at age 12: uhmm..i dunno..5 3?
10. Shoe size: 8 or 9 or something.
11. Glasses, contacts or neither? i have glasses that i don't wear.
12. Braces? yes
13. Wished Piercing/tattoos? i want my belly button. and my eyebrow i think? and tongue would be cool. i wanted my monroe before, but that would probaby look retarded on me.
14. Birthplace: pittsburgh!
15. Current residence: beechview/allentown
16. Siblings name and age: tarey 17..almost 18.
******HAVE YOU EVER******
17. Gotten super wasted? yeah
18. Gotten so drunk you don't remember what happened? kinda
19. Drank 5 liters of beer in 2 hours? no.
20. Had an Irish carbomb? no?
21. Skipped school by peer pressure? no.
22. Bungee jumped? nope
23. Kissed someone not related to you 30+ years older than you? wtf. NO.
24. Kissed someone of the same sex not related to you? i think
25. Made out with more than two people in one day? yeah.
26. Hit your head somewhere and been knocked out? nope
27. TP'd someone's house? no
28. Won something of value? nah not really
29. Asked a stranger out? no... ooh wait. i asked this little like 9 year old boy to go out with me, his name was ray. it was at the park last year. it was a joke. duh.
30. Been rejected by someone? yes
31. Been in love with someone who didn't know it? noo
32. Been to over 5 funerals? i don't remember
33. Used a lighter? yes..
34. Been on stage? yeah
35. Pasta: all.
36. Ice cream flavor: mint choc. chip/ cookies n cream
37. Store for clothes: hollister/wet seal
38. School subject(s): health..only because i happen to have the most atractive boy in the school in that class. ahah.
39. Breakfast cereal: capn crunch. or. fruity pebbles? i dunno. i know theres one i cant think of.
40. Number and why: 4. because that was my favorite age.
41. Book: fdas
42. Horror Movie: i dunno
43. Candy: skittles/starburst
44. Black Soda: pepsi.
45. Color: green.
46. Vacation spot(s): fjdask
47. Sport to watch on TV: football
48. Sport to play: i dunno.
49. Fruit: uhmm. grapes? strawberries? i dunno..lol
50. Sound: muuuuuusic. and this one person's voice.
51. Fast food restaraunt: mcDs
52. Cartoon Character: uhh..
53. Holiday the first half of the year: new years. and v-day?
54. Name for a boy: i always liked jeremy. or brian.
55. Name for a girl: i dunno.
******DO YOU PREFER******
56. Chocolate, strawberry or vanilla? vanilla
57. Boys or girls? boys.
58. Long relationships or one night stands: def not one night stands, but not exactly long relationships
59. Dogs or cats or horses? CATSSSSS
60. comedies or scary movies: scary movies..usually
61. Silver or gold? silver
62 Croutons or bacon bits? croutons
63. Potato:
64. Tomato:
65. School:
66. Grass:
67. Cow:
68. Canada:
69. Mouse:
70. Hand:
******THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU******
71. Watched a movie? no
72. Talked on the phone? yes :)
73. Cried? nope
74. Threw up? no
75. Drank a glass of water? yes
76. Gone to the bathroom? yes
77. Read a book or magazine? no
78. Watched TV? yeah
79. Looked in the mirror? yes
80. Taken a shower? yess
81. Taken a picture? duh...
82. Listened to music? yes
83. Hugged or kissed someone? yes :)
84. Done your homework? no
85. Told someone you loved them? no
***DO YOU BELIEVE IN....******
86. Heaven? yeah
87. A one true love? sure
88. Aliens? maybe.
89. Fun for the entire family? no. psyche. what
90. Freedom of speech? yes
91. Love? sure
92. Magic? nope
*******SOME RANDOM STUFF******
93. Last movie you saw in theatres? red eye
94. Are you listening to music right now? duh
95. What color shirt are you wearing? green <3
96. Do you like your middle name? nope.
97. What is the best thing since sliced bread? computers.
98. What color is your backpack? i don't have one
99. What time is it now? 6 42