Oh, I Love Alyson and Meredith.
This honestly amused me how all of you got worked up over a livejournal post. Stating my opinion. Im not saying you have to agree, its my opinion.
Take me off your friends list for christ's sake. I'm not changing how I feel or my posts to fit your personal wants and disires.
And no, im not going to "talk about what I ate for lunch".
And no, im not trying to get an 'ooh' or an 'ahh your so intelligent'.
And no, im not going to pretend im not directing it at all those people who commented in my post, Obviously I am.
But go ahead, have your next livejournal post be about me and how Im 'trying to sound smart'. Im not going to follow rules or guidelines that I need to follow for a journal. Go ahead, get worked up. But stop and listen to yourself. Your getting worked up about my opinion on how I thought perhaps, JUST PERHAPS, everyone is going to get what they think is right, happen to them.
Maybe you should take a "glimpse into the possibilities."
Comment away drama striving teenagers.