My Application

Jan 18, 2006 09:10



Name: Meg
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Status: In a serious relationship
Code: I'm not worthy
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Birthday: October 20
Location: The Berkshires, Ma (However I am moving to Astor, Florida after I graduate and going to college out there.)


Color: My two favorite colors are gray and lime green. I like gray because to me the color is beautiful. Many people think it's bland and unoriginal, and that's what I think beautiful is. I love lime green because it's a catchy color, but I have to be in the right mood to like it. If I'm not happy then it just gives me a headache, but when you're happy lime green is a great color to keep you that way.
3 Movie: The Faculty, Identity, But I'm a Cheerleader. Notice that these three movies all star Clea DuVall. I think she is amazingly talented.
3 Songs: White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane, Don't Stop Dancing by Creed, and The District Sleeps Alone Tonight by Bright Eyes. Maybe I am very diverse in my music taste, but I believe it's good to be exposed to many different things.
3 Bands/Artists: The Used, Maroon Five, and Melissa Ferrick. It's not so much that I like Maroon Five, although I do enjoy their music. It's the fact that the lead singer is Adam Levine, and I love him in general.
3 Music Genre: Alternative, Emo, and Indie.
Actors/actress: Clea DuVall, Piper Perabo, and Topher Grace
3 Books: Go Ask Alice, The Catcher in the Rye, and ANYTHING by Nora Roberts. The first two books speak to me in ways that no other books ever have. They both opened my eyes to things that I didn't know, and went about teaching me in a good way. My love for Nora Roberts is because, well, I am a girl, and what girl doesn't like chick flicks on paperback?

Opinion on...~

Abortion: I am not going to sit here and say that if you're raped it's okay to have an abortion, because A- I used to be a mod, and I'm sick of hearing it, and B- I happen to believe it's untrue. I believe that they only time abortion should be an option is if having the child could be life threatening to you or the child inside of you. Otherwise I believe that if you can not provide for the baby you should put it up for adoption. I don't believe rape constitutes abortion because you are still taking the life of the baby, and although I sympathize with the fact that you were raped, the baby did not tell the man to rape you. Here's a nice little example for you: A man jumps you and steals your purse with all of your money and credit cards. On your way home you see the young son of the man who robbed you, so you kill him. Is it okay because his father robbed you, even though the young boy had nothing to do with it? Isn't it the same thing?
Gay Marriage: Well, my sister is gay, and quite a few of my friends are gay. I am completely okay with this, because in all honesty, you really can't help who you fall in love with. Love doesn't know gender. It's SO hard to find true love in this world, and the government wants to take it away from people just because they're gay? Whatever happened to the separation of church and state?
Animal testing: Well, I'm not sure how to exactly explain my position on this, and it may sound a bit awkward...but I'll try anyway: If I had to choose between animals or humans, I would choose animals. I would choose buying a new puppy over having a baby anyday. I love animals, and I think that they are innocent, but they know what is going on. Because they can't talk we think that they have no feelings. You can tell when an animal is happy or sad. I think it's absolutely wrong to do testing on animals. If that made no sense, then I'm sorry, but I guess you could probably see what I'm trying to say.
Internet dating: Internet dating isn't for me, but I respect it. If you've been talking to someone for a while, and you've started to develop an interest in them, then good for you. The only time I would object to internet dating is if someone randomly messages you asking to meet you, and you accept without even finding out anything about them. Other than that, the internet is where my sister found her husband, and my other sister found her girlfriend of five years. These are absolutely the best things that ever happened to them, so yes, I am absolutely for internet dating.
Death penalty: I believe in the death penalty, however, If a man killed my mother I would much rather like to know that he is behind bars suffering for the rest of his life. The death penalty seems like an easy way out, but then again I suppose that depends on your believe of life after death, and I'm not prepared to go into that subject. Anyhow, to answer your question, yes I believe in the death penalty. On the other side of it, however, in too many cases people in Florida have found that the person sentanced to death was indeed innocent too late.
Pick a topic of your choice: This is a hard topic to choose, but I think I'm going to go with alcohol. I understand, firstly, that everybody drinks under the age of 21, and yes, I have as well. On the other hand though, alcohol is a mind controlling substance. I have drank, and I have smoked pot once or twice. When comparing the two I believe that alcohol has much worse of an effect on you than marijuana does. Many people use this argument to say that marijuana should be legalized. I however use this argument to say that alcohol should be illegal. Too many times people are killed by drunk drivers, and this wouldn't necessarily be abolished if alcohol were illegal, but it would cut it down. Now, I know that poeple would still find ways to get their hands on it, there's no way of stopping this, but I believe that if the governent took a firm grip on the situation it would be cut down tremendously. Now, a lot of people are going to fight me on this, and they're going to throw the, "but some people drink to socialize, and for the taste". I know that this is a VERY contraversial topic to talk about, and could by all means sway you to vote no for me, but hear me out, and understand that I am just one person, and I can not change the laws, this is simply my opinion on the subject. Too many people don't drink socially. Too many people drink to get drunk. Too many people think that they're okay to drive home, and too many people wind up injured or dead because of it. I believe if alcohol were illegal the price would go up in the black market, and then people could still buy it, which I know they would, but it would be much harder to be able to afford enough to get drunk. I am all for drinking in general, but I don't do it, not anymore. My uncle was killed by a drunk driver, as well as my best friends father. I simply don't think that it should be legal to be able to buy a substance that alters your mind.

Have you/Would you ever (Answer honestly, AND state why)

Drink: I have in the past, but I don't anymore. From my answer above you can probably tell why I don't drink anymore.
Smoke: I smoke cigarettes, but am trying to quit. I started smoking when I was young, and although this may seem like an excuse, it doesn't change the fact that it's true. I live in a rough neighborhood where it's cool to smoke. Understand that I was young at the time and wasn't smart enough to realize that it's even cooler to not be cool.
Cheat on boyfriend/girlfriend: I have never cheated on my boyfriend, or any previous boyfriend, and I never will. I believe that if you are going to do something like that, then you should have the decency to tell your significant other and end the relationship, or work it out.
Cheat on Test: I think that the majority of people have cheated on a test at some point in their life. I know my sophomore year I did, and I won't lie. I don't cheat anymore though, I actually enjoy learning and I'm working hard lately. I'm really doing this for me, not the diploma. I want to know if I can graduate on my own.
Do something with you bestfriends boyfriend: When I was young I had a best friend who was a male, and a best friend who was a female. I was in maybe seventh grade, so I was young. Anyhow, my best friends decided that they liked each other and tried "going out" which meant saying they were together and calling each other on the phone, anyhow, I was jealous so I tried to come between them. In the end all three of us were extremely hurt. We are still best friends, but none of us are dating, and I've never pulled a stunt like that again, and never will.
Have sex before marriage: I do, I won't lie. I'm not saying that everyone should, I'm saying I choose not to wait. I don't agree with going out every night and hooking up with random guys, but if you have a boyfriend and have for more than a week, I don't see a problem with it. But I feel that you should know the guy first.

You ((elaborate))~

Why do you want to be in this community? As a matter of fact I was a part of this community about a year ago, maybe more. I lost all interest in the computer for a while and left all of my communities. I recently started getting back into livejournal a couple of months ago, and realized that I missed a few of my communities. I remembered that this one was actually one of my favorites. A lot of people were really cool to me, and I learned a lot by being part of this community. I was surfing around and noticed that a lot of the people who were in the community when I was here are still here.
If you had $1,000 dollars what would you do with it? I would pay off the insurance that I owe my mother from the past two months for my car, and I would put the rest in the bank for when I move down to Florida. One thousand dollars isn't really that much.
What influences your decisions the most? My own life experiences, what I've learned from simply looking around and seeing what is going on, and how I was raised. I think that anyone who tells you that they make decisions purely on their own is crazy. It always takes seeing what happens to other people in the world to make a firm heart-felt decision.
What is your Favorite Quote? You would have to read the article to understant this, but I will breifly explain what the context was-
Bert McCracken, of The Used, went to his hometown in search of a girl named Kate who he was good friends with before he went to rehab, only to find from her brother that she had died a year before. In regards to this Bert said,
"It hurts like hell when people tell you they're sorry. Maybe there's no reason for Kate's death. Maybe some people fucking die by accident." And in explaination, this is my favorite quote because a good friend of mine was struck with menangitis a few years back. This took her in three hours and she passed away. She did nothing to deserve it, it's just something that happened. There is no treatment for the disease because it's random, and it's quick as hell. Anyhow, it hurt like hell, and when I read that quote I was just permanently stricken by it. It's always in the back of my mind.

Make us laugh...

I accidently locked my best friend into a gym locker last year while we were goofing around. The principal had to come in and cut off the lock.

Show/tell us something beautiful:

I went to Disney world last April, and I took this picture from the plane window. I believe it's beautiful because of the clouds, and I believe that just the thought of flying that high above the Earth and being able to look down on what usually looks down on us is beautiful.

I couldn't pick just one thing. I couldn't decide. This is also beautiful because I went to Nebraska TWO April's ago and I did volunteer work with the Salvation Army down there, where it's headquarters are. We took a lot of the kids in the area to the zoo. These kids were living in Omaha, which believe it or not, is the ghetto of Nebraska...looked like the ghetto of the United States if you ask me. Anyhow, this is beautiful to me because all of these young kids had little money, little food, and weren't able to go to the zoo and things like that, and that day we were able to take all of these kids and do whatever they wanted to do. I took money out of my own pocket to buy this little girl and her brother, who is the boy behind us, and bought them ice cream and french fries. They were ecstatic, and said that they would never forget what we had done for them. It was truly beautiful.
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