Call me pathetic, call me what you will, Just please don't leave my side

Mar 18, 2006 09:39

Yeahhh....check this out guys. Crazy stuff. Just lookin back on past entries on the ppl on my friends lists journals. These are the ones that got me. Here it goes.

Uhm. Not obsessed. Or anything. I'm still happy with Matt. This crap just made me think TONS. Yea, part of my lj cut text kinda lies. But oh well...
23 May 2005|12:29pm
Hey I haven't updated in a long time, So I'll catch everyone up with whats been happening...5-13-2005 at 11:34 me and Breanna got together, I am very happy with her, she makes my heart smile, I got to go up her Mom's house that Sunday to have dinner with them, It was fun, I got to know them all, Then last Sunday me and her went to the movies and to eat, I cant wait till we get to be together again. I am now a legal driver WOOT WOOT passed my test on Monday. Breanna thx for not givein up on me, and thx for giveing me a chance, I'm so happy to finally have my Sally by my side, yours forever Jack
09 Jun 2005|11:16pm
Hey its been a while since I last posted, the 13th makes one month for Breanna and Dunken, I am very happy being with her, I haven't got to see her in a while she's at that UB thingy, But I'll get to see her on saturday, which makes me happy, I bought Finch's new album yesterday its great, but I think I'm gonna go,

To Breanna: I Love You
24 Jun 2005|11:17pm
Wow its been like a really long time since i've been on here, I actually forgot I had a journal, As each day passes I seem to find myself falling more and more in love with you Breanna, The time we spend together is unbelievable, I cant help but to get lost in the moment, I wish it would last forever, Watching the Fox and Hound with you was great, Emo kids shouldn't watch things like that lol, I can't wait for you to come home today, I hope we can spend time together this weekend, I must go now, I love you
30 Jun 2005|09:21am
To: Daniel Wayne Caudill

I LOVE YOU!! Nothing will ever change that. You mean the world to me and nobody or nothing can take that away...NOTHING! I cant wait to see you shall be great. And I will win round 4!!!!

"Will you kindly insert your tounge into my mouth?" thats crazy!!

I dunno, I just really wish I could see you right now...I hear all these songs while I'm here that remind me of you and how I feel and stuff and I am always dying just to be in your arms....its kills me inside...I really really miss you baby.......I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER, AND EVER, ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT!!

Ya know, Monday makes 1 month, 3 has went by so fast!! I am so happy with you and I pray that it never ends.

Hmmm....I just got an idea, but you will have to wait to see what it I will for sure win round 4!! teehee!


Your Sally,
Breanna Jade Jones
07 Jul 2005|12:26pm
Hey its like 12:11 I just got of the phone with Breanna, we talked last night untill 5:00 it was grand we talked about alot of interesting things such as Monday...Tehe....That was hot...I enjoyed spending all that time with you, I agree we made some memories, I'm glad you got to meet some of my family, how cute is Joey........Millions....Also on Monday I cooked dinner for everyone, It was splended, Monday was a great day, but I think there should be a reinactment.....tehe....but anyways I'm now sleepy and I'm running out of things to type so heres Breanna's last journal entry

Wednesday, July 6th, 2005
9:06 am I was actually going to update yesterday, but I didnt really get a chance. Monday was grand! I got to spend the whole day with Dunken ( I am starting to say Daniel more cause of my mom, so from here on out on my journal, are Daniel!!) and that was wonderful. Made some good memories. I finally met his dad...very nice guy! Also met 2 or 3 of his cousins + some more of his family. They were all very nice...I like em all very much! Daniel cooked for me, his parents, his little brother Michael, and his brothers friend. It was scrumptious.(is that even a word?? If it is its probably spelled wrong! lol)
Oh! He wrote me a note! It was really eyes started to get all teary when I first read it. It feels good to have someone who cares. I loved it!
He crushed me at Mario Party 6...but thats only cause I kept rolling 3s!! I swear it had something against me!! Oh well...I dont care...I still came in 2nd. We hung out and watched TV in his room for a while, then we started watching Monsters Inc. (*giggles* I <3 that movie) Michael and his friend came inside and wanted to play Gamecube, so we let em, and after they were done, we all went outside and the boys were skateboarding...I didnt have my skate shoes with me or I would have probably joined in and killed myself in the was wearing my flip-flops so I didnt take that chance...I just watched. We went to the fireworks at Elkhorn too...that was nice...It was quite enjoyable sittin there watchin the fireworks with him and his family!
Teehee.....How about a reinactment(sp?) of Monday hun?!?!?!?! HaHAHAHA! That was great...Interesting conversations at 5 in the morning...huh? hehe! Thats ok though...I enjoyed it...I felt totally comfortable talkin bout stuff with you. We are awful kids...but we have fun!!! j/k.

Anyways, I have to go now...I have some stuff to do in Digital Imaging (2 days of UB left!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Anyways, I will update probably tomorrow.

Much <3
Breanna Jade Jones


16 Jul 2005|08:46pm
Daniel Wayne Caudill

I love you more than life itself...never forget that! You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I hope we are together forever. I cant wait to see your shining face again. It shall be great!! I miss you soo much!!

But I will get offa here so you can get on!


Breanna Jade Jones
22 Jul 2005|12:39pm
I dont really feel like updateing, but I guess, I will, I feel terrible, I have'nt rlly got to talk to Breanna a whole lot l8tly, which makes me sad, and when I finally do get to talk to her I dont talk, Which hurts me even more, I wrote her a poem last night at like 3:30 in the morning, I cried myself to sleep last night, I need to to tell someone my problems, but I feel as if I have no one to tell, other than Breanna but if I do get to talk to her its either like 12 in the morning or like 11 at night, so I chose to bottle everything up tightly inside, I dont know how much more shakeing up my bottle can take before it explodes, I guess you can tell I'm not in the best mood right now, something is bothering me on the inside, Breanna I just want you to know you mean the world to me, I love you with all my heart, please dont give up on me, I think i'll go now, Breanna I love you.
27 Jul 2005|02:59am
Hey I know i've been acting weird l8tly, I dont really feel all that great after I came home form church on Sunday I was so sick I fell asleep at 11 that morning and didnt really wake up till 12 on Monday morning, I called you last night, but no one answered, I really hope we can work this out, you said you'd never give up on me, I hope you haven't changed you mind, I know you waited for me a long time, and I know your thinking, I waited all this time for this............ It kills me to know I hurt you, Thats the one thing I hoped to never do, But I guess I did, I dont want to lose the best thing I have in my life right now, Its been really hard to talk to you the past to week, with all the band camp and stuff, I hope to talk to you tonight, and maybe we can work things out, It seems like it was just yesterday when I heard those words "Only if you'll be my Jack", or when we first said "I love you", those are the things I'll never forget, I ear those words being re-played over and over in my head, I've never had such strong feelings for someone in my life, From what I read Mike may seem to be a better listener, But Breanna I'm your Boi, I love you, you said we'd have our ups and down, and this is just one of our downs, I hope you read this and we can work this out, even if you dont belive when when I say this I love you.

I sent this msg to Breanna, me and her was haveing one of our downs, I'm happy to say things are alot better now, I'm really looking foward to seeing her again, Gawsh, she makes me so happy, and I'm so glad we worked things out. Breanna I Love You Baby
06 Aug 2005|06:24am
Me and Breanna broke up like 2 days ago, it was for the best, we both decided on it so, no one really had to get hurt, so thats about it.

Yeah, I'm out.

Today, a walk to forget,
I'd rather open up this casket, and jump inside
Sleep under the stars, with you tonight
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