yeah! so i decided to post some pictures from NYC. because it was fun.
oh, i do love a good transit strike!!
Barry at the bus station moments after arriving!
me and Chris demonstrating the hugeness of our backpacks
Barry is dope.
omg yay! this is the concert we went to!
a very blurry mess of people onstage at the concert
waiting in the colddddd
paparazzi Rufus!
we're actually engaged now. me and Rufus Wainwright
this was Times Sqaure through the back window of our taxi.
then the next day we went to Times Square!
Times Square
the big giant Hershey store
inside the big giant Hershey store!
IRONY! OH THE IRONY!! and the blasphemy!
some stautes in Rockefeller
Barry in front of a window display of marshmallow snow
the tree!
we stopped in the Disney Store and played with things
in Central Park
views from Central Park
and then we walked back to Times Square
and that's the end!
ps. Chris please note my icon.