No, I didn't know I could easily upload a photo

Jan 25, 2006 05:05

Has it really been eleven days since an update? Well thar she blows.

So it finally stopped fucking raining in Olympia. Thirty five days, sweet Jesus. I looked at the stars for a long time in the cold tonight, just happy to see them again. The stars are how I fell in love with Olympia (the stars are also how I fell in love with someone with whom I ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

mairzybzeider January 25 2006, 16:26:11 UTC
Aww. Please? You're so sexy when you tlak about your post-anarcho journalistic ways. But then you're also terribly cute when you qoute Warren Zevon, so I guess I'm good either way.

I love you.

No offense, and this in no way refers to you but, guys are creepy.


paradox528 January 25 2006, 21:33:53 UTC
My mother has a tendency to view anything emotional as pissant bellyaching,

I understand! She and my parents would get along fantastically. I've been called a flake and a crybaby by father so many times. Actually, a flake just once but crybaby many many times. And I cry probably less than 75% of the women out there.

I take vacation from work and come back and it's the same thing too. We need new jobs stat.

Glad to see you are updating again. Was getting worried.


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