In case of emergency.

Jul 21, 2018 17:03

Some things I like to think about whilst in full blown panic attack:

Do funeral parlors do gel powder manicures?

Does anyone know I would want my nails painted black? Or maybe red? Possibly sheer. TBD.

If I start blacking out while driving how can I alert another driver that I : A. Am in crisis; B. Wish I shaved my legs recently and C. Have a toddler in the backseat and he was promised a pretzel.

What if I die while reading a truly mediocre book?

What song do I want to heart while I’m dying ? Forget song; I can’t even narrow it down to band or genre.

Are we never going to speak again ? That’s just fucking insane.

What the fuck was the name of that book my mom read to me once when I was little. It’s about a boy locked in a high tower room because he has a deformity. He’s given a pet kitten but it jumps through the bars on the window and dies. Eventually he learns he can fly.

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