ughhhh sorry about that last entry... I'm under a little stress right now

Dec 28, 2004 18:22

Name; Elizabeth aka. Liz
Age; 16
Location; Atlanta, G.A
5 favorite bands/artists;
+ The Cure
+ Le Tigre
+ Radiohead
+ R.E.M
+ Q and not U
5 favorite movies;
+ The Nightmare Before Christmas
+ The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
+ Red Dragon
+ The Godfather
+ City Of Angels
3 favorite books;
+ The Catcher In The Rye
+ House Of Leaves
+ The Andromeda Strain
Promotions [mandatory]-3 users or 1 community(show links);
+ My LJ -
+ My friend's LJ -
150x150;** Once I set up my new cam.. I promise I'll post a 150x150
Other pictures-no less than 3, no more than 10;

**R.I.P - my old Intel digi cam... these were the last pics I took with it <3**

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