i'm a little late butt. post your name and i'll say what i think of you. all honesty. but i wont be harsh =) i love everyone so dont worrry about a thingg<33
sometimes i feel like you only have time for someone else.. but the rest of the time i love you like a sister. like that one time olivia and i had a sleepover and you ran around and... um... fell.. well you remember.lol. much love hannah banana. ♥
i've known you since fifth grade and we're only now starting to be pretty good friends. im glad that we are & i hope we continue to hang out more and more. i like hearing about the boys you like or the boys that like you. lol. you are definately cool peoples. oh! & a great basketball player. goodness your such a baller on the courts. ♥
wowzers. robinnnn. we've been through some rocky roads if ya know what i mean. but nonetheless, you are tooo cool for me. i love how you dress. & how you and your bf look soooo cute together. god im so jealous. im glad we worked out our problems cause your a really cool person and i'm glad we're friends. ♥
i can talk to you about annything. i'm glad we have our little talks at lunch and after school. your one of my only friends at granada & im soo happy for that. you like me even though i get bitchy. thank you. i love youu. ♥
Comments 70
oh! & a great basketball player. goodness your such a baller on the courts.
your so funnny & im reallly glad we go to school together. without you i would not.. well. um.. i love your salami.
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