Age: 16
Sex: Female
Birthday: july 19
Body Modifications (tat's+piercings): 4 piecings :)
What are your 3 favorite things in life?: food, my trio,my dog
Favorite color?: black
Favorite food?: sushi
What's in your CD player right now?: garden state soundtrack
What are your top 5 favorite CD's you own?: The Used (in love and death) Head automatica (decadence) Garden State soundtrack My chemical romance (3 cheers for sweet revenge) Brandnew (deja entendu
Do you illegally download music?: nope
What are your top 10 all time favorite artists?: no doubt, good charlotte, the beatles,the beach boys, queen, the used, brandnew,rooney,the shins, ALL motown artists =)
What's your favorite song right now?: Gwen Stefani: hollerback girl
What's your favorite song ever?: Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody
[Camera Whore Q's]
Why do you want to be here?: i really like photographs alot. taking them viewing them w.e.
How did you find us? random search
Which member of
__digital_love do you think is the hottest and ugliest? (show name/username/userpic) i dunno.
How often do you find yourself taking pictures?: EVERYDAY
Do you believe you are beautiful?: sometimes
Did you know confidence is everything.. (yeah don't go back and answer the last question.) no i didnt
Promote. Atleast three communities
Provide us with two pictures. Of your choice. No more, no less. So make sure they are your best.
Provide a picture for the ugliest//hottest question to be placed on INFO page. ...?