maaaaaaan life has just been TOO crazy....
June 28th was one of THEE worst days of my life. From my aunt to my dad now my lil cousin...My lil cousin/brova was killed for what reason, NONE. People are too fuckin petty these days and will kill anyone and not care about it. I miss my lil brova so much I fuckin grew up with many memories and for someone to take him away it's crazy. I miss him so much, he had so much to live for...he was ONLY 17 and about to be a senior in high school. He never did anything to anyone, he was always the cool guy, never disrespected his motha or anyone. I just don't understand how someone could take his life away...they don't take the time to consider that he was leaving behind a family that loved him's just crazy. THE GOOD ONES ALWAYS DIE true. He didn't deserve it. There are SO many GOOD things I could say about my cousin...never a bad thing. I LOVE HIM and it's gonna take a LOOOOOOONG time before I realize he's really gone..I just keep being optimistic in thinkin he will call and say he is fine. It's definitely not fair, of all the people in the world why him?!?!?!?! All the bad people are steady living but yet my cousin life was cut short because of some STUPID, DUMB ASS PERSON. Hate is a strong word but I DO HATE the person who did this to my cousin...