I went to a party yesterday and ended up gambling with pennies and leaving a smokey scent in my hair. Yeah, I'm cool. I also saved a kid's hat in the middle of the night during a thunderstorm near a cliff. I'm not joking. xD
1. Confirm your identity: I wish my name was something cool...like Lance, or Julian, or...Betelgeuse.
2. How many years have you been on the planet? Seventeen! I'm an old, smelly bastard.
3. What are three phrases you use at least daily? "I'm...Ron Burgundy?" "What the FUCK is going on?!" "DAAANCE? ANYONE WANT A DAAAAAANCE?"
4. Are you a survey addict? No, no.
5. Do you have an online journal that you use regularly? Well, yeah. RUU.
6. Are you one of those people that are constantly applying lotion and/or chapstick? :::smashes chapstick on; a la Chandler:::...?
7. Name any mental disorders you have been diagnosed with: I might have cancer in the upper thinking region of my brain.
8. Ever freeze anyone's underwear? Now why in the hell would I do THAT?
9. Name one thing you only do/act like/wear/etc.? I only ACT like I'm on fire...when I'm on fire.
10. Would you consider yourself random? Me? Random? Nooo.
11. Do you have clothes hanging in your closet that still have the tags on them? I bet you not!
12. Do you doodle all over your papers/homework/books? ONLY IN BIOLOGY CLASS. Once, I had turned in a fairly large lab with the words scribbled: "JENNIFER CONNELLY, YOU ARE DIVINE" on a page.
13. Do you write down phone messages/notes on your hands? Only when Sam T. or Sam M. have something stupid to put on my hands. Which i--...was often.
14. What do you think of those Kidz Bop commercials? They make me consider abortion.
15. What CDs in your collection are you ashamed to admit you own? Uhh...that Count Chocula C.D. is a pretty sad thing to own. xD
16. Got any toe socks? Hell no. :)
17. Do you find that you rub off on your friends more, or vice versa? What?! I rub my friends?!
18. What time is it? 4:05 P.M.
19. Does anybody really know what time it is? Only God...and maybe Spider-Man.
20. Does anybody really care? ...I do. :)
21. Who sings that song, anyway? Meeeee...
22. Do you untie your shoelaces before taking them off? Nope. I'm lazy.
23. Ever have random hallucinations? Heh. No.
24. Ever take your pet for a walk? If he's up to it.
25. Have you ever loved someone so much it made you cry? What kind of stupid-ass question is this? YES.
26. How much do you sleep? I'd say about five to six hours these days.
27. Do you think staying at home and raising the kids is primarily "women's work"? My...dad stays home and raises us kiddies. I'd say, no. Because Bill would be out of work.
28. What do you think about gay marriage? I believe in it. :::stares up into the sky all pondering like:::
29. Do blondes annoy you in general? Wh-WHAT? I find you racist! RACIST, SIR.
30. Ever done illegal drugs? Hell no. xD
31. Do you smoke? Nope.
32. Have sex? NO.
33. Yell at your parents? Dood, no. My parents would kill me. xD
34. Compete with your siblings? We be pirates, says I! (NO.)
35. Think you got enough love as a child? Oh, yeah. Sure!
36. Listen to pop music? I like indie. :D
37. Out of your own, what's your favorite lotion/body wash/cream/perfume/cologne/etc.? Err. I like anything that comes from Bath and Body Works. (TOOL.TOOL.TOOL.)
38. Why do fools fall in love? Because love is...:::looks around and runs away violently:::
39. Why is the sky blue? Scattered blue light spreads more over the sky from the sun, than all those other colors, yo.
40. Did you know that your metabolism slows down at night; so if you have a midnight snack
you will probably gain weight in the morning? Really? Good thing I don't eat. xD
41. Are you going to have an open casket funeral? Yeah! That'd be cool. Freak out your family and friends.
42. Do you bruise easily? Not that I know of.
43. Does death fascinate you? YES.
44. Ever dated someone five years older (or more) than you? Uhhh...no. The oldest was a three-year difference.
45. Ever dated someone five years younger (or more) than you? Nooo. xD
46. What's with all the black rappers right now having such terrible teeth? I...don't know.
47. What was the whole "rosebud" thing all about? The Sims cheat code? What the hell are you talking about!?
48. How many people do you think would come to your funeral? ...I don't KNOW. I won't be around to see it!
49. Are you wondering why I'm still on the death thing? D-do you wanna die?
50. Who said this: "Death, taxes, and childbirth. There's never a convenient time for any of them.": Margaret Mitchell?
51. Have you ever contributed to someone's death? :::pauses:::...No.
52. What Hollywood celebrity annoys you the most? Most of them do.
53. What do you think about school? I think school is cooool. Be like meee, kids.
54. Are you addicted to the internet? Probably.
55. Do you have those little white vitamin deficiency marks on your fingernails? Heh-heh, no.
56. Dog person or cat person? Monkey-Man person.
57. What do you take when you have a headache? WTF, asprin.
58. What's your alcoholic drink of choice? NOTTTHING.
59. Is "settling down" a major priority for you (meaning; married, good job, spending your extra
money on new curtains and mowing the lawn on weekends)? OMFG, YES!1!1111!!11!
60. Do you have a calendar/datebook? No. I'm a hobo.
61. Was "Beaches" as good a movie as everyone says it is? "Beaches?" No, I didn't see "Beaches."
62. Physically, are you usually cold or warm? Cold, because in my heart, I'm a cold person. :::eyes shift cynically:::
63. Socially, are you usually cold or warm? WTF? I don't know.
64. Ever been so depressed that you don't shower, do the dishes, clean up anything, answer your phone or move from your couch for more than a couple days? No. That would be Larry Quinn. :)
65. When you hear the scientific term "the big bang", do dirty thoughts come to mind? No, but I'll keep it in mind now.
66. Do you ever walk by someone and they go, "how are you?" and you go, how are you?"....and you keep on walkin'? YEAH. I hate that.
67. Wouldn't you rather we all just avoid eye contact and not say anything at all? ...Aww, no.
68. Ever do volunteer work? I have!
69. Do you think community service should really be given as a punishment for criminals? ONLY if the crime fits the punishment. And I mean, if like, junior shot his neighbor's window, or something, he should be like, working his ass on cleaning windows for like, a month. To keep him in line, the little bastard.
70. Do you shoplift? Nooo.
71. Ever worked so hard that you cried? Yeah, it fucking sucks. xD
72. What if God was one of us? He wouldn't be God. :)
73. Who sings that song? A lady...who...had a one hit wonder?
74. Are you old enough to remember the commercial with little old lady saying "where's the
beef?" I don't REMEMBER seeing those commericals when I was a wee tot, but I have seen them.
75. Finish this sentence: "My kingdom for a/an ________.":...golden donkey. I'd settle on a giant spider, you know.
76. Do you remember the Care Bear craze? WTF? No.
77. How about when Oprah was fat? I thought she was fat NOW.
78. Remember Pogs? Yeaaaah. I remember those. I use to throw them down my vents.
79. Remember when that gymnast sprained her ankle in the summer Olympics, 1996? No. :::in Asian accent::: I am not cool.
80. Remember what you were doing yesterday at this time? Uhh, I was getting ready to go to a party...?
81. Do you love shoes? I love scotch. :)
82. What shampoo do you use? Suave. I don't know. Something special.
83. How do you feel right now? Tired. And alive.
84. Do you let dogs lick your face? Hell no.
85. Do you subscribe to Playgirl or Playboy? Nooo, I don't subscribe to anything because I'm a dumb whore.
86. What are you doing right now besides filling out this survey? Thinking about peanuts.
87. What year were you born? 1987.
88. Do you rule that year? No. "Three Men and a Baby " beat me to it.
89. Do you paint your nails? When I feel occassionally happy! Of course. xD
90. What's your hair length? Touching the top of my shoulderblades. I'm cool.
91. When did you get a cut/trim last? Like, three weeks ago?
92. Do you have hoity-toity relatives, or trailer trash relatives? Hoity-toity.
93. Would you consider yourself to have an innovative mind? Sure. God works in mysterious ways.
94. Has an old man/woman ever flirted with you? No, they only like my sister.
95. Ever written a survey like this? No. Because I'm a slub.
96. Would you ever consider dating someone who'd been in prison? Eww, no. xD
97. Are you worth crying over? :::pause::: Which answer would make me sound less like a dick?
98. Do you know anyone who's drowned? ...Alec Baldwin? :o
99. Would you rather have a one-on-one conversation or go to a party? One-on-one conversation. One time I sat on a couch the entire time with another girl. The whole time. Except when I sat on her lap at this Halloween hayride...:::pauses::: I am so gay. xD
100. Do you feel better after purging all this random information from your system? OMFG, YES.