you are you. people have to grow up. i mean think of all the people you know who are still not bathing, and not having responsibilities, and fucking up. one day you'll be something amazing, and you'll look back on your once best friends and they'll be in a tough situation. or maybe i'm wrong. maybe they'll be at the top of the world along with you. either way, you have to grow up- better sooner then later
it's not that i haven't grown up (not trying to say that i'm the most mature person in the world and i don't know how to have fun), but i acknowledge that i've changed a little since i was thirteen. i know it's completely natural and everything, i just kind of miss those days.
besides, now that i have so much free time, i'm thinking about skating again. katie and i couldn't be better and travel by stars is kind of steady right now, which leaves me with the need to have another working progress. i figured skating's perfect because i miss skating everyday, i really need to get in shape again, and there's always tricks to work on; which won't leave me bored.
Comments 2
besides, now that i have so much free time, i'm thinking about skating again. katie and i couldn't be better and travel by stars is kind of steady right now, which leaves me with the need to have another working progress. i figured skating's perfect because i miss skating everyday, i really need to get in shape again, and there's always tricks to work on; which won't leave me bored.
oh, and thank you for those kind words.
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