Now I see your testing me pushes me away..

Jun 07, 2004 01:22

Haha, my fave Ashley. Never realized I was pulling the old peace sign behind her head. -shrugs-

Megan, Megan, Megan! Lovin' the new hairdo even if she doesn't. She's still my beeyotch.

Heheheheheheheheh. Nothing needs to be said here.

These are the three cool girls from Health in between all the bickering and random shouting out of "CHICKEN!"

Aww, Mizz and Sash. *Hermanas para siempre!* We're also twinkies.

This is the before-sixth-period-hiding-from-Mrs-Harris's-evil-looks clan. (L to R: Ben, Eddie *not smiling*, Sasha, me, and Willio)

How many of these pictures do you already have stuffed into the back of your wallets? Another one of me and Tara.


SSHHH. We were contemplating on a serious game of Speed.

Five cool people that accompanied me on my adventure to Taco Bell. Such lovely folk. (L to R: Ashley, Rudy, Stacie, Will, and Sarah K)

That's me and my future brother-in-law if him and his on/off girlfriend can ever figure out their drama.

-smudges face in camera with Ofy- Will (Scar) is laughing at us in the background.

J.R. is ecstatic that we are finally out of school. YES!

Ebony and Tara in Geometry. All smiles as usual! :D

R. Kel! I don't think we can call her that anymore though. Oh well. =p

And last, but not least: Dodge. My fave soon-to-be junior! WOOHOO!
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