i`m so fucking hawttt.

Mar 25, 2005 18:49

Name: MEGG
Age: i`m fourteen.
Sexual Orientation: straight.
Location: new york ♥
Favorite TV Show: the osbournes, & dedication live on FUSE.
Favorite Band: OOOH god. so many. dashboard confessional, taking back sunday, bright eyes, american football, as i lay dying, anberlin, blink 182, brand new, coldplay, cursive, daphne loves derby, emery, fall out boy, hawthorne heights, homegrown, relient k, rooney, sum 41, underoath & more - don`t mind the ABC order i was just scanning my recent playlist ;]
Favorite Movie: umm garden state & the notebook.

The Community
Promote us in THREE places and show proof:
1) http://www.livejournal.com/users/______x0/11716.html?view=67012#t67012
2) & since you guys don`t have much penis around here i promoted to my guy friend chris;
3) http://www.livejournal.com/users/justanotherkimi/207815.html?view=2230471#t2230471
How'd you find __fucking__hot?: (this is important for contest things) my best friend amanda (skii__bunni) had it in her info.
Why are you good __fucking__hot material?: i`m honest (haha nice way of saying i`m a bitch) so i guess i won`t be accepting average-looking people, & i love communities.
Do you promise to promote, even just a little bit, once you're accepted? yeah it`s only fair ;]

The Other Shit
If you had to live in a cartoon world, which would you pick and why? DARIA! that`s been one of my favorite TV shows since i was like seven.
What is your room decorated like? it`s ALWAYS a mess, but it`s light pink & NOTHING matches. i`ve got orange & red paper lanterns, indigo sheets, white duvet cover, blue carpet with dark blue/light blue circles on one side, and a tanish carpet with different coloured flowers on the other. & then all the furniture is white. it`s got my computer & tv (dvd player too.) & phone, so i`m good to go. you`ll see some of it in the pictures.
If you had to marry a super hero, who would it be? spiderman, because he can kiss upside-down ♥
What makes you seperate from the crowd? What makes you an individual? i guess the way i dress sometimes. i mix things up & screw around with my make-up.
What are your thoughts on Paris Hilton? she`s not that bad. i admire her style & her how she doesn`t care what anyone thinks. she can party, too, which is hot.

THREE or more pictures please:

umm this one`s weird. i was looking at something my friend del was typing.

don`t ask. & that shirt is kinda weird. & i`m pale.

haha mouth half-open = soooo sexy. just kidding. BLAH.

me in a mirror. werrdd.

& that`s it.

thanks ♥
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