Name: Rene
Age: 13
Sexual Orientation: I think this means sexuality… but I'm bi
Location: aurora, colorado
Favorite TV Show: simpsons
Favorite Band: Korn
Favorite Movie: Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Community
Promote us in THREE places and show proof: How'd you find __fucking__hot?: (this is important for contest things) I found it through ljs_cutest
Why are you good __fucking__hot material?: because I believe that this community is safe and easy to speak your mind in also I have some issues and I need someone to talk about them to
Do you promise to promote, even just a little bit, once you're accepted? yes
The Other Shit
If you had to live in a cartoon world, which would you pick and why? I think I would be Jerry from Tom and Jerry because I need some good exercise lol
What is your room decorated like? I dunno if it even IS decorated… I know that I have pictures ALL over my walls of my fave bands like korn and slipknot and marilyn manson… also I have a loft bed… kinda like a half bunk bed
If you had to marry a super hero, who would it be? Might be kinda an obvious answer and not too well thought out but… SuperMan I love guys with muscles
What makes you seperate from the crowd? What makes you an individual? My friends… I don’t really know how to explain it but my friends vary so much and they really have shaped my personality from a depressed adhd kid to someone whos nice to be around
What are your thoughts on Paris Hilton? TOTALLY SEXY and I love! her and Nicole richie in the simple life series
THREE or more pictures please:
I'm in the middle. On the left is my best friend Hannah and m other close friend Jazmin