Name: Hillary-Ann
Age: 15
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Location Pinson Alabama b>
Favorite TV Show: Friends
Favorite Band: Crossfade
Favorite Movie: Ladder 49
The Community
hold_u_down pi3c3s_0f_m3 tracey_faithHow'd you find __fucking__hot?:from lj user
jojo_loves_you Why are you good __fucking__hot material?:cuz im hot
Do you promise to promote, even just a little bit, once you're accepted?abso-freakin-lutely
The Other Shit
If you had to live in a cartoon world, which would you pick and why? veggietales haha so i could sing the song
What is your room decorated like? cheetah
If you had to marry a super hero, who would it be? superman
What makes you seperate from the crowd? What makes you an individual?i dont just do things because everyone else is doin it
What are your thoughts on Paris Hilton? i think shes hot and id kill to look like her
THREE or more pictures please: