(no subject)

Jan 29, 2005 20:59

[ 1 ] First grade teacher's name: mrs. phillip's
[ 2 ] Last word you said: thats hot
[ 3 ] Last song you sang: the happy song- Jojo
[ 4 ] Last person you hugged: larissa
[ 5 ] Last thing you laughed at: karin picking up my phone and hitting herself with it
[ 6 ] Last time you said I don't fucking remember: yesterday
[ 7 ] Last time you cried: 2 weeks ago maybe?
[ 8 ] What's in your CD player: mixed cd's i made, jessica simpson, nd i duno
[ 9 ] What color socks are you wearing: white
[ 10 ] What's under your bed: clothes, boxes of letters, dust haha, and box of nail polish
[ 11 ] What time did you wake up today: 7:45 am
[ 12 ] Current taste: big red
[ 13 ] Current hair: curly bun
[ 14 ] Current clothes: guess jeans, hollister shirts overlapping
[ 15 ] Current annoyance: alexander
[ 16 ] Current longing: no comment
[ 17 ] Current desktop picture: mixed pictures of me and karina
[ 18 ] Current worry: soph - hop shitt
[ 19 ] Current hate: drama
[ 20 ] Current favorite article of clothing: the jeans
[ 21 ] Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: eyes and height
[ 22 ] Last CD that you listened to: karinas cd's..i duno which ones
[ 23 ] Favorite place to be: anywhere but my house and with good people
[ 24 ] Least favorite place: school and my house sometimes
[ 25 ] Time you wake up in the morning: weekends-depends what i m doing
[ 26 ] If you could play an instrument, what would it be: drums
[ 27 ] Favorite color: tan, pink, maroon, teal and orange
[ 28 ] Do you believe in an afterlife: yes
[ 29 ] How tall are you: 5'4
[ 30 ] Current Favorite Book : speak
[ 32 ] Favorite season: summer
[ 33 ] One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: my aunt
[ 34 ] Favorite day: Friday

[ 35 ] Where do you want to go: aruba
[ 36 ] What is your career going to be like: dance teacher, professional softbll player, or something that relates ot any of the kind
[ 37 ] How many kids do you want: 2
[ 38 ] What kind of car will you have: a hot one.lol. maybe mercedes

[ 39 ] [Gotten in a fight w/your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc: ] hmm i dont believe so
[ 40 ] [ Been to New York?: ] hmm yes.
[ 41 ] [ Been to Florida?: ] no sadly but going this summer for softball regionals
[ 42 ] [ San Diego, Cali?: ] nope
[ 43 ] [ Mexico?: ] no
[ 44 ] [ China?: ] no
[ 45 ] [ Canada?: ] nahh
[ 46 ] [ Danced naked?: ] hell yes
[ 47 ] [ Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: ] nope
48 Wanted to be the opposite sex: sometimes..
49 Had an imaginary friend?: nopeee

50 Do you have a crush on someone?: maybee..we will see
51 Worst feeling in the world: being hurt by someone or something or anything at all..that mkes you feel anything else but happy
52 What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: what time is it and where is my mom
[ 53 ] How many rings before you answer?: depends the person
[ 54 ] Future daughter's name: slut haha - jk..kayla or something unique
[ 55 ] Future son's name: Mckenzie
[ 56 ] Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? of course. my puppy!
[ 57 ] If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? professional dancer, model
[ 58 ] Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous?: righty
[ 59 ] [ College plans: ] florida state
[ 60 ] [ Piercings: ] 4 on my left ear and 3 on my right

[ 61 ] Do you do drug s)?: nope never
[ 62 ] Do you drink: ehh on occassion
[ 63 ] Who are your best friends?: karina, and some others
[ 64 ] What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use?: i duno..whatever is there
[ 65 ] What are you most scared of?: my dad catching me doing something i shouldn't
[ 66 ] What clothes do you sleep in?: pajamas or sweats and a tank
[ 67 ] Who is the last person that called you?: sean freely
[ 68 ] Where do you want to get married?: in a gorgeous place
[ 69 ] If you could change anything about yourself what would that be? my butt and weight
[ 70 ] Favorite number: double zero
[ 71 ] Are You Timely Or Always Late: ehhh can say both
[ 72 ] Do You Have A Job: i wish i did
[ 73 ] Do You Like Being Around People: depends..as long as i m not annoyed
[ 74 ] Best feeling in the world: knowing someone cares.
[ 75 ] Are you for world peace: sure
[ 76 ] Are you a health freak: nah mann
[ 77 ] Do You Have A "Type" Of Guy/Girl You Always Go After: hmm someone i can talk to, hot, and i duno.i guess in some way not really
[ 78 ] Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: yes
[ 79 ] Are You Lonely Right Now: no
[ 80 ] Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: nahh i dc..
[ 81 ] Do You Want To Get Married: yesss
[ 82 ] Do You Want Kids: def.

[ 83 ] Cried: no
[ 84 ] Bought Something: yess!!
[ 85 ] Gotten Sick: yes =[
[ 86 ] Sang: of course
[ 87 ] Said I Love You: yeah to the faggot
[ 88 ] Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: noo
[ 89 ] Met Someone New: yeah
[ 90 ] Moved On: ehh i think so
[ 91 ] Talked To Someone: yess
[ 92 ] Had A Serious Talk: yes
[ 93 ] Missed Someone: yess
[ 94 ] Hugged Someone: yes
[ 95 ] Kissed Someone: no =/
[ 96 ] Fought With Your Parents: nah, mostly just me yelling at them
[ 97 ] Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: yes
[ 98 ] Had a lot of sleep: noo i cant sleep late
[ 99 ] What is your full name? Destiny Amber Ocasio
[ 100 ] What was the last thing you ate? chinese food
[ 101 ] If you were a crayon what color would you be? magenta..haha what a weird question
[ 102 ] How is the weather right now? freezing..i hate it
[ 103 ] do u like the person that sent u this? they didnt send it..i stole it..lol..but i lovee
[ 104 ] How are you today? fine and normal
[ 105 ] Favorite drink? sex on the beach!!! <3
[ 106 ] Favorite sports? softball, football
[ 107 ] Eye color? shit brown..lol
[ 108 ] Do you wear contacts? yeah..colored ones..like once in a blue
[ 109 ] Who you talkin to online: no onee..
Siblings and their ages: isaiah - 11, jasmine - 21
Favorite month? july, september
Favorite food? mashed potatoes
Last movie you watched? the forgotten..go see that shit!
21. Favorite day of the year? the last day of school
22.Favorite relaxation spot? my bed
23. Summer or winter? summer
24.Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
28.Living arrangement? my dad
29. What book(s) are you readin? none at the moment
30. Whats on your mouse pad? little kittens
31. Fav board game? life
32. What did you do last night? ehh didnt feel good, rented movies with my mom
33. Can you touch your nose with your toes? yesss =]
34. What inspires you? people and
--MY B-day: sept 29th
--Nicknames: dest, fatt ass, dao,
-Favorite band: dont have

-----You prefer-----
--Pepsi or coke: coke
--McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds
--And1 or Kswiss: neitherrr
--Chocolate or Strawberry: strawberries
--Cappuccino or coffee: noneeee

----Do you----
--Smoke: nope never
--Cuss: ehh sometimes
--Have a crush(es): maybeee
--Want to go to college: of coursee
--Like high skool: can be better
--Get motion sickness: nahh man
--Get along with ur parents: my mom is my bffl but dad..diff story
--Like thunderstorms: yeahh!
--Play an instrument: noo

----In the past have you----
--Drank alcohol: yes
--Smoke(d): no
--Done a drug: no
--Have sex: ..
--Made out: yes
--Gone to the mall: yeah
--Eaten sushi: no
--Been on stage: yess
--Gone skating: yeahh
--Made homemade cookies: yes
--Dyed ur hair: yeah
--Stolen anything: ehhh i dont think so

----Have you ever----
--Flown a plane: yess
--Missed skool because it was raining?: no only snow
--Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: yes
--Cried during a movie: yeah
--Cut ur hair: yeah mad muchhhh
--Have a crush on a teacher: noo
--Got beaten up: nahh

----Number of----
--Number of ppl i could trust with my life: a couple. 5 i think
--Numbers of CDs that i own: alottt

--Day/night: night
--Movies: the notebook, love and basketball, old school

----Right now----
--Thinking about: the food in karinas oven shit
--Listening to: her cousins music
--Cried: ehh a couple of weeks ago
--Worn jeans: right now
--Met someone new online: not now tho
--Done laundry: not lately
--Drove a car: yess

----Do you believe in----
--Yourself: yess sometimes
--Your friends: most of them
--Santa Claus: nahh
--Tooth fairy: nnahh
--Destiny/fate: of course..thats my name
--Angels: yes
--Ghosts: yes
--UFO's: no
--God: yes

----Friends and life----
--Do you ever wish you had a another name?: no i like my name
--Which one of your friends act the most like you?: karina, larissa or nina
--Who have you known the longest of your friends? karina
--Who do u have around the most: karina haha
--When have you cried the most?: no comment
--Whats the best feeling in the world?: haha we already had this questionn
--Worst feeling?: being hurt

1. Nervous Habits? stuttering, laughing
2. Are you double jointed? ehh flexible not double jointed though
3. Can you roll your tongue? yea
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? noooo
5. Can you blow spit bubbles? yes haha
6. Can you cross your eyes? yeahhh
7. Tattoos? nopee
8. Piercings and where? ears..i want a lip ring
9. Do you make your bed daily? of course

12. On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? depends how much i get
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? my name ring, a ring i stole from the faggot, a black ring i have from dourney park, silver earrings

-- FOOD --
16. Have you ever eaten Spam? nahh eww
17. Favorite ice cream flavor? cake batter
18. How many cereals in your cabinet? 7
20. What's your favorite resturant? outback
21. Do you cook? yeahh.lol once in a while

22. How often do you brush your teeth? twiceee a dayy
23. Hair drying method? blow dry tehn straightener

27. Animal? dog
30. Day? friday
31. Cartoon? dont have one
32. Shoe Brand? dont have one
33. Subject in school?: eng i guess
36. TV show? mad tv
38. Thing to do in the summer? drink haha..and get tanned
39. Thing to do in the fall? ehhh cheerleading i guess
40. Thing to do in the winter? play tackle football
41. Thing to do in the spring? play softball

41. The CD player? i dunoo
42. Person you talk most on the phone with? i dunoo.alot of people
43. Ever taken a cab? yes
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? hahah yeah i do
45. What color is your bedroom? light blue
46. Do you use an alarm clock? yess
47. Window seat or aisle? window

-- LA LA LAND --
48. What's your sleeping position? on the side
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? yea haha
50. Do you snore? nahh haha
51. Do you sleepwalk? nopee
52. Do you talk in your sleep? i dont think soo
54. How about with the light on? always off..
55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? both..depends which i have on
35. Buttered, plain, or salted popcorn? buttered
37. Favorite flower? lily..and roses..i never gotten roses.
38. How many keys on your key ring? 2
39. Can you juggle? nope
40. who do you love? my fam, friends
41. What did you do 4 ur last b-day? went out and chilled with the hottest people ever (mnt) and nina

damn that took long..boredom at karinass..lol

oh mann well i have pictures i guess..put them on later..goodbyee
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