[1] Name:Lauren
[2] Age:14
[3] Meaning of your user name:hmm i saw it on an icon. i thought it was pretty sweet so i used it
[4] Location:ohio
[5] Sexual Preference and Status:Male, single
[6] Name two interesting things about yourself:I can hold my breath across a 25 meter pool and half way back! hah. and i made up a 'The Fish' on a trampoline! its very very cool!
[7] If you were stranded on a deserted island, tell four things you would bring:Cd's and a CD player obviously. my best friend morgan. and food. and cherry icees!
[8] What three things are you addicted to/obssessed with?:cherry icees..livejournal...fall out boy
[9] If you could meet a famous person, who would you meet and why?:Patrick Stump of fall out boy beucase hes fucking beautiful!
[10] Rate yourself on a scale from 1-10:hmm i dont like rating myself..but i would say like a 6 or 7.
[11] Favorite kind of gum (brand/flavor):ice breakers!
[12] Favorite room in your house:my has computer tv..just EVERYTHING! :)
[13] Favorite item(s) of clothing:sweatpants!!!!
[14] What's your lucky number?:3!
[15] How did you find out about
__glow_? it somones livejournal.
Name the first thing that comes to your mind:
palm:palm trees!
bright:bright eyes.
hard:a males penis! hahah sorry if that was gross
glasses:sun glasses
flip:doing a flip
ding:a doorbell
Pictures (post at least 3 clear ones):