
Jun 16, 2005 23:28

I am posting two contests in this entry you can either do the:

Five songs... guess what they all are based off?

[First song]
"The need to fit in is harder when living life from a screen
Old classmates please drop all your pens
Don't write a word cuz I won't reply

[Second song]
Will little Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a job that won't enterfere with her tan?"

[Third song]
Maybe you’ll marry, maybe you won’t,
maybe you’ll have children, maybe you won’t,
maybe you’ll divorce at 40,
maybe you’ll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary…
what ever you do, don’t congratulate yourself too much"

[Fourth song]
It's high school could be
a mini me of the rest of society
there's always a prom queen
there'll always be, always be sororities

[Fifth song]
"So the good boys and girls take the so called right track
Faded white hats
Grabbing credits and maybe transfers
They read all the books but they can't find the answers
And all of our parents
They're getting older
I wonder if they've wished for anything better"


There only three cause they are kinda tuff.. but what do all the movies (NOT THE QUOTES) have in common?

[Movie one]
"Dear Mister Royal Hampton. I am a white woman, in America."

[Movie two]
"People who think that morning is the best part of the day are the same kinds of people who think that crust is the best part of the pizza.">

[Movie three]
"Do you like being a modern woman Karen?"

The Rules to these contest are as follows.
1: Apply with the name of the contest in the subject line of your answers.
2: Apply to only one of the contests.
3: Do not cheat and google or use any search engine other than your own music and movie knowledge.
4: When applying to contest apply like this:
1: Name of Artist:
2: Name of song:
3: Next 2 lines of the song:

1: Title:
2: Director:
3: Leading Lady/ or man:

If you don't know the name of the director or leading charicters... you can still apply but if some one else knows the answers to all of them they will win instead.

4: if you DO apply to both contests you will be disqualified and will not receive points for even participating.


Points system is the same in both contests.

Participation: 10 points
Each correctly guessed song/ or movie: 2 poitns
To each person who tells me what all the songs have in common:10 points
To each person who tells me what all the movies have in common: 10 points
Winner of each contest: 50 points.
The member with the most amount of points between the movie and the song contest will win a special prize to be announced later.
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