(no subject)

Mar 13, 2005 22:07

Name: Alison Kaye Dines
Age: 18
Status: Single, not looking.
Location: Gosford, NSW, Australia
Skills/Talents: Acting (theatre). Guitar, drums, didgeridoo. Public speaking. Making people smile and laugh, just by being myself.
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Opinions. Pick ten
Abortion: I'm divided. Perhaps if the mother or baby in question is going to be harmed due to the pregnancy...perhaps then abortion is allowable. If it's just because you don't want the baby, I don't think abortion should be allowed. You had sex, you knew the consequences. I believe in taking responsibility for your actions.
Teen pregnancy: Not advisable. The teenage years are so unpredictable, with all the changes going on homonally, emotionally, and mentally. Teenagers just aren't prepared for parental responsibility, no matter how mature they may be. I find it sad when it happens. The government of my state was offering $3000 to new mothers, for a while last year. Quite a few 14/15 year old girls that I knew of were purposefully falling pregnant, just to get the benefit from the government. That's a very, very ugly side of teen pregnancy.
Rape: It's unpleasant for the person who has been raped. Very unpleasant. I can't help but wonder what kind of horrible childhoods and adolescent years rapers must have, to have such intentions in their mind. I feel sorry for the rapers, that their upbringing has been so bad to make them what they are.
Gay Marriage:
Suicide: It hurts. A very good friend of mine suicided two-three years ago. It was very painful for me. Incredibly painful for his family. All the guilt that washes over you, feeling like you somehow could have saved him. Because of the pain and guilt I still feel about it, I couldn't take my life. I couldn't put those who love me through that experience.
War: Starting a war for no reason is entirely idiotic. Starting a war based on hearsay, and information that isn't entirely reliable is idiotic. The only time I would condone war is if no civillians were to die, it would be under a controlled circumstance, and for a good reason. Such as a few countries in an alliance to somehow hurt the world. But still, I think talking works much better.
George Bush: I guess I have an entirely different viewpoint on him, being an Australian. Most Americans don't seem to know, but Australia is very closely tied with the US. George Bush seems on the outside to mean well...but his actions don't necessarily reflect the way he expresses his good intentions.
Death penalty: There is no way this makes sense to me. Life imprisonment. Give a criminal a chance. It's not fair to take away any second a person can live on this earth. A life lived behind bars is still better than not lived at all.
Drugs: I only do caffeine. On occasion, a pain killer, but I choose the natural pain killing method of mind over matter. I'm not into anything harder. Heh. Overuse of mind altering drugs I'm not really fond of. A friend of mine whom I love dearly has a brilliant, but messed up mind due to extreme overuse of marijuana. It's caused him to be extremely paranoid, edgy, and a bit unpredictable at times. Due to that fact...I really don't like the idea of mind altering drugs.
Eating disorders: Been there, done that. Struggling through it right now. It's unpleasant. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Luckily, I'm able to recognise I have a problem, and take action to fix it. It's girls with disorders that know they have a disorder and choose not to do anything about it that I'm not fond of. I'm all about working on myself, to make myself a better person. If I know I have a problem, and choose not to fix it...I feel disappointed within myself.
Labels: No-one entirely fits the mold. They may seem to be a certain way, but there's always quirks in people that make them spill over the edge a little.

Band/Music Artist: Further Seems Forever, Cake, Incubus, Thelonious Monk, Dashboard Confessional, Motor Ace, Missy Higgins. To name a few.
Song: Something Corporate - Konstantine, Incubus - I Miss You, Dashboard Confessional - A Plain Morning
Music genre: Jazz/emo...but I adore every genre, and see worth in all forms of musicianship.
Book: 'His Dark Materials' trilogy, by Phillup Pullman; 'The Neverending Story', by Michael Ende
TV show: Tough call. I don't want much TV. I really enjoyed the show 'Ed'.
Movie: 'Requiem For A Dream', 'A Beautiful Mind', 'Mercury Rising', 'The Princess Bride', 'The Matrix' (not such a fan of the second two movies in the trilogy), 'Good Will Hunting'.
Color: Black, even though it's actually a shade. Black has so much depth.
"I went to the woods
because I wanted to live deliberately
I wanted to live deep
and suck out all the marrow of life
To filter out all that was not light
and not when I had come to die
discover that I had not lived"

Other stuff
Why do you think you should be accepted? Because all of you are nice enough to give a girl a chance.
Who’s you’re role model and why? Everyone I meet. I search for good qualities in all the people I meet, and try to use their principles in my own life to become a better person.
Half empty or half full? It depends whether I've poured the water into it, so it's half full...or whether I've drunken water out of it to the point it's half empty.
What song describes you most and why? 'Epistrophy', by Thelonious Monk. There are no lyrics, it's intstrumental. But the mood Thelonious Monk creates just sums up my life.
What’s your favorite thing about yourself? I have the ability to make people happy.
What`s your least favorite thing about yourself? I have the ability to make people sad.
Make us laugh! Around a year ago, I was dating a guy. One night he came to pick me up from my brothers house, whom he had not met before. At the time, a whole bunch of my brother and my mutual friends were at my bro's house. To have a little fun, we decided to tie me to a chair and gag me in a dark back room of the house. All of the guys that were there picked up a weapon of choice (axe, chainsaw, carving knives, etc) and surrounded me. The guy came to pick me up, and was led through to the room I was being kept hostage in. He looked around the room, very slowly, for a very long time. Unfortunately, one of the guys started laughing. Apparently, the boy I was dating was going to give it five more seconds before he ran out the door, screaming. He forgave me, and told me it was hell funny.
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How did you find out about __heartaches? Through a sister community.

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